*DataScienceDaily* AWS Greengrass, R is Hot, and Why AI Would Be Nothing without Big Data

Data Science Daily Show Notes
- @theRegister Learn Machine Learning in 15 Miinutes https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/06/21/15_minutes_in_machine_learning/
- @KirkDBorne Collections of great #DataScience articles at @DataScienceCtrl http://bit.ly/2rWyeWY #abdsc #AI #MachineLearning #Statistics #BigData #IoT
- @Ronald_vanLoon Why R is the best data science language to learn today | #DataScience #R #RT http://bit.ly/2j6fYGO
- AWS Greengrass makes it easier for business to develop for IoT. #BigData #DataScience #IoT #Analytics #EdgeComputing http://buff.ly/2sqQ9cO
- @joenglert Why #AI Would Be Nothing Without #BigData #datascience #deeplearning #IoT #wearables #smartcities #disruption https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2017/06/09/why-ai-would-be-nothing-without-big-data/