It was two years ago today that I had what I refer to now as my “Blues Brothers moment.” If you’re not familiar with the movie, then this GIF below depicts the seen elegantly enough. via GIPHY As promised, here’s the live stream I did from the hotel after day one. I’d like to think…
In this episode, Frank and Andy celebrate one year of podcasting, the origins of “Data Points,” how the show got started, and where it may be headed.
Frank and Andy are in the same place for the first time in a while and they have a special announcement: the show has reached 50,000 downloads in just under one year. Thank you for supporting the show. You rock!
Frank caught up with Karen Lopez at the Philly Azure Data Fest to talk rocket science, data, and the perils of developers misusing columns in the schema. We also uncover the meaning of DBA (Don’t Bother Asking) and a super secret flag to make your databases run faster. (Not really)
At the Philly Azure Data Fest, Frank sits down with Tim McAliley to find out where Azure Data Fest started and where it’s headed to next,