Frank and Andy are in the same place for the first time in a while and they have a special announcement: the show has reached 50,000 downloads in just under one year. Thank you for supporting the show. You rock!
Frank caught up with Karen Lopez at the Philly Azure Data Fest to talk rocket science, data, and the perils of developers misusing columns in the schema. We also uncover the meaning of DBA (Don’t Bother Asking) and a super secret flag to make your databases run faster. (Not really)
At the Philly Azure Data Fest, Frank sits down with Tim McAliley to find out where Azure Data Fest started and where it’s headed to next,
Frank and Andy are out and about and if they can’t be in the studio, they are going to bring the studio to where they are in order to keep you up to date on all the data happenings out there. In this Data Point, Frank is at the Philadephia Azure Data Fest to listen,…
Andy ran into Kathi Kellenberger at SQL Saturday Albuquerque to talk about her career change, Breaking Bad, and loving your job.