Andy ran into Jason Brimhall, certified Data Master, about high volume transactions, big data, and how DBAs fit into the Data Science picture.
Andy speaks with Meagan Longoria about the importance of creating accessible reports in PowerBI, SQL Pass and more.
Andy may not be the one who knocks, but he is in Albuquerque for SQL Saturday. He runs into DBA extraordinaire as to how DBAs fit into the Data Science ecosystem and why they say no to developers so often. via GIPHY
With Andy travelling around and Frank starting a new job, Frank and Andy have not had a lot of studio time lately. So, they are bringing the studio to you by creating more Data Point shows, which bring you some of the brightest minds they run into out in “the wilds of Data Science” as…
In this DataPoint, Frank talks about the term “Data Estate” in front of an actual estate.