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Exploring Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science

Posts by Frank La Vigne

*DataPoint* Data and Disasters

On the 16th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Frank reflects on his personal experience and the impact of data analytics in the wake of disasters: both natural and unnatural. Links Frank’s personal account of 9/11 Pictures from NYC that day Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster Visualizing Hurricane Sandy with NHC data

The Data Adventure Has Just Begun

In this episode, Frank and Andy reflect on the ethical, legal, and scientific implications of creating AI chat bots based on deceased loved ones. They then ponder what sorts of things can be done with this type of technology, from marketing to political campaigns, and what a certain billionaire social network founder with a treasure…

*DataPoint* A New Way to Mourn Loved Ones

In this Data Point, Frank ponders the ethical, spiritual, and philosophical implications of chat bots designed to be “virtual shells” of dearly departed. Stories Mentioned How a Man Turned His Dying Father Into AI The Story Behind Replika, the AI app that becomes you