Bob Ward on SQL, Faith, and the Dallas Cowboys

In this episode, Frank and Andy talk with the legendary Bob Ward.
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Notable Quotes
On playing the “plague or pollen” game. (02:30)
Regarding sportsball… (05:30)
Virtual is the new norm. (06:30)
Bob and Azure (07:30)
Frank caught Bob in person at Microsoft Ready (08:15)
On sharing code…(9:30)
Bob on SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters (11:00)
… and PolyBase (12:30)
“Keep the data where it lives, access it through the language you’re familiar with.” – Bob on PolyBase (13:48)
Regarding Synapse (14:48)
…even for AS/400… (18:20)
PolyBase as an incremental migration strategy… (19:30)
COBOL, and more COBOL, and Y2K (20:30)
“Buck Woody works with me…” – Bob Ward (21:00)
An aside about NFL Football teams and rivalries. (23:00)
We all miss baseball. (23:50)
“Did you find data or did data find you?” (25:00)
How Bob was recruited by Microsoft 26 years ago (26:45)
Bob’s Book: SQL Server 2019 Revealed (31:00)
“So this Bob Ward guy… he’s kinda a big deal…” – Frank (32:45)
“I have people like my wife to keep me humble.” – Bob (34:00)
“There’s always somebody smarter…” – Bob (34:45)
“The Silverlight apocalypse…” (35:30)
“When I’m not working, I enjoy ____.” (36:30)
A Quiet Place (38:15)
“I think the coolest thing in technology today is ____.” (38:45)
Bob started at Microsoft in 1993. (40:15)
“There’s no way somebody is going to put a SQL Server in the cloud.” (42:00)
On remote training (44:00)
“I look forward to the day when I can technology to ____.” (45:30)
“IoT-ness” – Bob, circa 2020 (46:40)
“Share something different about myself.” (48:00)
“We’re all screwing up!” (49:30)
Grace is Greater, by Kyle Idleman (50:20) (51:45) (52:30)
Sherlock Holmes series (54:00)
“John Krasinski is a great Jack Ryan.” – Bob (58:00)
Transcript (AI Generated)
Hello and welcome to data driven,
podcast where we explore the emerging
field of data science. We bring the best minds
in data, software, engineering, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Now hear your hosts Frank Lavigna
and Andy Leonard. Hello and welcome back to data driven.
The podcast or we explore the emerging fields of data
machine learning and artificial intelligence.
If you like to think of data as the new
then you can consider as well like Car Talk and
with me on his epic road trip down.
The information superhighway is Andy Leonard.
Although. I think we are now currently in lock down
so that road ship and has been postponed.
It has and wow what a you know
what an interesting time to live in right Frank.
Right right, we are recording this on April 15th.
You know it’s serious when even the government postpones tax
True, yeah today would have been the day that your
taxes were doing US,
but they pushed it back.
I forgot three months for
months whatever. Yeah, yeah, three months,
but it’s in Julies coming up on my birthday.
That’s how I remember it.
Like I need another paper.
They give it kind of.
Yeah exactly, but you know it’s been an interesting day
This I live in Virginia.
You know? This uh, FarmVille,
VA Ann. I imagine you may have gotten different weather
than I did,
even a little more odd for this time of year.
This late in spring. It is extremely odd to have,
uh, you know, an overnight temperature in the 30s.
Not only that, but we saw flurries this morning.
I believe this is the latest I’ve ever seen.
Snow flurries. Just crazy.
Well, you’re at a higher elevation.
I think I know. Western Maryland had some snow overnight
It could be definitely could be,
yeah. It’s hilly here where I am.
I’m a little little East of the
mountains. OK, but it is
allergy season so we’re having just loads of fun here
with that.
How’s things going with you Frank?
How’s the family well? Well,
doing good. We’re all
sequestered together, and Fortunately I don’t live in New York
City anymore.
In a small apartment. Otherwise,
I think I probably would’ve lost my mind by now.
Wow, yeah we my have allergies,
and I think my older son is developing allergies,
so we’re playing the plague or pollen game.
And so terrible
game to play, isn’t it?
Especially when you’re outside.
It’s like, although I found that wearing kind of like
face masks and stuff does help the sneezing and actually
in watery eyes.
So yeah,
actually does so.
Yeah, I I.
It’s funny like I watch TV now and they show
old clips or something and
I’m like they’re sitting too close together.
And that’s the truth. I’ve seen it.
kind of noticed that too.
enough about enough
about the stuff that’s
going on with that. I have an announcement,
What’s your nationality? I am
so excited about this. My 17 year old son Stevie
Ray has been selected to present at SQL Saturday.
Richmond is going to be a virtual event at nearly
the last Saturday of April to 25th.
He came to me about a year ago.
He’s been going to these things with me for over
half his life and he came to him 10 months
a year ago and says I want to do one
of these. I think I can do a presentation.
How do I go about it and I said,
well? You know, pick something shiny as a topic.
And he actually doubled up on that.
He is presenting on how to install SQL Server 2017.
On on Linux, running on a π three a Raspberry
Pi 3.
And I was like, you know,
you could have picked something harder
maybe. No, but he worked on this and it’s been.
I would
estimate he’s got 4 or 500 hours on it.
I helped him out as much as I could with
Know like technical stuff, but I was mostly kind of
standing back just to see if he was going to
do this and he beat through it.
Frank and he got it to work nice and right
after that he put together.
I think so too and I’m so excited we’re I’m
presenting in the first slot a week from Saturday.
He’s presenting in a second right behind me and in
that same channel so.
I just I’m so proud of him.
You know these proud Papa moments,
right? You gotta eat.
These are totally, totally. I’ll
never forget the day my.
He was nine at the time he went.
He was over to play date a friends house and
he fixed their router.
So yeah,
now so
proud that’s awesome. Well, Speaking
of Speaking
of being Super Smart
and probably at a young
age to we are we are very honored today to
I’m going to say the Bob Ward on the show
today as our guest.
Bob works for Microsoft. He doesn’t awful lot of speaking
at the major major conferences is usually on the big
stage and in the big room.
And doing keynotes and stuff.
The only bad thing I think I can say about
Bob is I’ve seen him at the past summit a
few times wearing a Dallas Cowboys Jersey.
Goodness, gracious Bob. I don’t know what
to say about that, but.
Will will let you select.
I’ll confess, I’m a
Redskins fan an you know,
understand because I’ll
admit it now. On
recording, you know at least you’re not an Eagles fans.
can, you know, Redskins. Was this rivalry from years ago
in the 70s right now?
Not so much for us.
It’s the Eagles pretty much so.
If you’re an Eagles fan,
I might have to
drop off the call right now.
But it it please I if you do not know
Bob Ward is Gogo, checking out,
popping his name into you know into your favorite search
engine and check him out in my favorite search engine
actually is is Bing so I can say that,
but he’s a lot of talks about data you do
a lot of free webinars.
You do a lot of speaking an you know you
do more than just talk about this.
I know you’re engaged with the future of SQL Server.
And the data products I want to Azure and we’re
just honored to have you here Bob.
Welcome today.
I’m happy to be here.
Thanks for thanks for inviting me
today. Appreciate it. While we sure appreciate your time.
Tell us a little bit about what you’ve been working
on lately,
what, what’s
cool, what’s going on? You know?
Of course, these are interesting times as you guys started
off the call,
so a lot of the things that I’ve been doing
in terms of showing up at a big event personally
have altered and changed obviously quite a bit,
so there’s a lot of pivot within Microsoft and even
outside of Microsoft.
But how do we do things more virtual and digital?
I spent over the last year and a half leading
up to the end of last year on SQL 19.
Our latest release of SQL Server.
I mean, I was just immersed from this from the
Uh, an, which again landed ultimately in launching of the
product last November,
December. Over the Holidays, I’m up in Redmond when I
could travel back then the Redmond and I’m with my
but I’m talking about, you know,
what should I focus on in calendar year 20 and
he’s like you know what?
It would be really cool if you could spend some
time in Azure,
which I had done a little bit in the past,
but not near as much.
So lately I’ve been spending a little bit more time
on that space on the Azure Sequel space.
Still doesn’t mean that I’m not doing SQL Server,
that’s still my my pride and joy.
My passion, right? So I heard you talk here at
the beginning about doing your son doing SQL Linux on
a pie.
I mean, that’s amazing. I spent a lot of time
on the Linux side with SQL,
spent a lot of time doing things with Linux from
containers and so forth.
But yeah, doing little cloud work right now actually kind
of a little bit of my focus in the last
few months,
Very. I’m sorry, go ahead friend.
So I may
have the distinction of attending one of your last public
in person talks,
Bob. I was in the session you did delivered it
OK it ready. Yes in February?
Well it’s funny because I did the ready thing and
that was when the virus situation was all kind of
just just starting a little bit internationally.
And so I was pretty comfortable that ironically I went
to Charlotte,
NC at the end of February and I also went
to Charleston up to that.
’cause my son lives in Charleston,
SC. So I was there in Charlotte.
I did a little bit of an event there in
Charlotte and I did cover sequel 19 in Azure sequel
and so forth.
But yeah, it’s it’s interesting.
You are ready. When
I was there, OK?
Yeah, great session, great session by the way I I
so for those who don’t know ready is on.
I think if they’re if they’re an active listener of
the show that I did a couple of live streams
from ready.
Outside the building, ’cause it’s you know,
super secret of course. It’s an internal event for to
get field people ready for technologies that are coming out.
Yeah we even did a workshop there on if you
got a chance to be part of that but um
one of the things I’ve pivoted on over the last
year and doing more of it again this year as
well is making sure not just doing a talk where
I’m up there just bloviating on slides and just talking
about technology and so forth but some real hands on
stuff so you know we did a sequel 19 workshop
at the past summit last year it all on GitHub
it’s all out there and so we kind of did
a mini version of that ready very very popular ’cause
we were teaching people hands on like how to use
the new sequel 19 features how to deploy your own
container was the container what is all this kind of
stuff right.
Um, so we did all sorts of things like that,
and that’s a big pivot.
Now for me is to make sure what I’m doing
anything publicly or even internally.
You know, can I get that stuff on a GitHub
site and make it readily available so people can try
That’s a fantastic idea and absolutely love all of these
We can now share code,
especially those of us who’ve been doing presentations for years.
It’s it’s awesome when you could stand up there and
talk like you said you could talk about it for
maybe 75 minutes.
There’s not usually enough time in a 75 minute slot
to have everybody open their laptop and work through this,
but it’s awesome, especially when you can put it on
these markdown sites like GitHub,
an Azure Azure DevOps. I’ve been using that a lot
now to kind of.
I’ve got some code in one location,
summon another. Love is that they can go through an.
I’ve started sticking the slides up there,
Bob Even so they can walk me through.
My slides are for me right?
All the notes are about say this then say this
then do that.
But it’s it’s incredible that we could do that.
and I know from experience just an watching you speak
at events like to pass on it that you did.
It seemed to me maybe I’m maybe I’m out of
line here but tell me it seemed to be you
focused a lot on.
On the clusters of the big data clusters in 2019,
yeah. I mean, it’s obviously
one of the hero capabilities
of SQL 19, so I talk about SQL lighting all
up like I’m one of the few people in the
team to just cover everything we do in the product
in 19, right? But one big folks have that in
my colleague Buck.
Would you spend a lot of time in this as
One big focus of 19 is this big data cluster
This is radical stuff. This is like you know,
people are used to the SQL engine,
which is great obviously. But then all of a sudden
now we’re installing Hadoop,
were installing spark. We’re combining it with big data technologies
all in a Kubernetes cluster,
and people are like. I’m sorry,
what did you say? Hadoop spark Kubernetes that’s not a
sequel thing like?
What do you mean? So for us to come out
And by the way, if you got a sequel license,
you just get this thing like we just allow you
to install this.
So that’s that’s one of the things I focus a
lot of time on is try to make sure we’re
still doing that.
We’re still trying to make sure we get the word
out that if you want to start building kind of
your own data Lake within your environment and incorporate these
big data technologies with SQL things like machine learning as
well big data clusters,
this is probably a good solution for you.
So yeah, that was, uh.
Big focus of 19.
Yeah, I will say
this is that I’m really impressed with the kind of
the thinking.
Is it in order to adapt to kind of the
big data world?
How much engineering is got into updating and improving?
Uh, and adapting to kind of this new,
bigger data world that SQL Server is done.
You know that big data cluster technology,
thing about it, the heart of it,
is that this technology called Poly base.
You probably heard of right?
And this? This is really us just kind of looking
at the landscape of the industry and realizing,
hey, we’d love for everybody to store data in SQL
Server like right ETL jobs and do all the converted
from all your data sources.
But the reality is customer saying I can’t do that
like there’s some reasons I really let it really can’t
even move the data.
So Poly base which started in 16 we just took
that thing exploded it.
We’re like, OK, now you can use Poly based access.
Anything you want. Literally with an odbc driver,
let the day to stay where it is,
but access it through like external tables in SQL as
that hub and then you know quite frankly customer said
like well,
I like that Hadoop thing,
but I don’t have a hoe to cluster laying around
were like OK,
will just install one for you.
You know, listens to do for you.
You just copy files in there,
like even petabytes of files.
And you just access them like tables and will just
make it scalable and
queryable. Pretty cool. Yeah, that’s awesome.
That mean that excites me,
because that’s, you know. As a data scientist Emil engineer,
you know, whatever you know,
you want to call Maine.
keep it PG. Uh, you know.
I mean that excites me.
That kind of that beyond kind of the Relational Datastores.
And you know that SQL Server is definitely catching up.
One point is for those who are not familiar with
Poly base,
what would you be? Your kind of your elevator pitch
for Poly base?
data where it lives, access it through the language,
or use 2T SQL. That’s really what it comes down
You know leverage or T SQL skills go access this
Keep it where it lives.
Run SQL queries. Looks like a table results.
You know, brought back to you.
That’s really what it’s about.
that’s a great description.
I would also want to.
I want
to ask you a question.
How does this relate to what we’re seeing with synapse?
It’s a great question. Synapses,
a complete platform as a service analytics service.
There’s a lot of functionality that you see in synapse
Looks similar to what you might see in big data
right? But synapses just it’s completely in Azure Azure Service.
There’s also the power of SQL Server.
One thing about a big data clusters.
By the way, synapses, amazing.
I think that’s going to be really a powerful technology
for customers.
But one thing about SQL Server big data clusters is
it is SQL Server.
So like at the heart of this is called the
master instance.
So you can do OLTP on top of this thing.
So imagine OLTP hitting the SQL Server but at the
same time you running analytic queries on this thing against
all the Poly based data.
So it’s kind of a combination of the best of
the sequel engin and the best of Analytics.
An of course since it’s with Kubernetes we can support
this on premises for any customer environment they want to
That’s one, that’s how I would kind of view it
a little bit.
That’s a good description. That’s good description.
’cause again at ready, I kind of took a closer
look at what synapses is doing and what it’s going
to do,
and it’s very impressive. It’s mind blowing in a lot
of ways.
Is that, you know, because in the traditional kind of
world you know you had your RDBMS World and you
had kind of your big data,
unstructured data world. But what I like is the engineering
thing about it was that it doesn’t have to be
that way,
Well, synapse, it definitely is this.
It’s the next evolution of Azure Data warehouse,
right? So it is a warehouse analytic solution that’s it’s,
you know, hero, Target, and it’s all platforms of service.
So if you’re willing to move to platform service with
the cloud with large amounts of data and you need
an analytic solution,
it’s a great way to go.
I would recommend anybody go do that right,
but we had customers say like I’m not ready to
move to the public cloud.
I need to stay in my data center.
Plus I still need that SQL Server OLTP functionality along
with the analytics that you’d like to provide.
So so I definitely see them as complementary products,
but you know. Customers might have choices in both those
environments that may make the difference in which one they
would do.
But you know,
it’s interesting you describe it that way because I have.
Yeah, I’m a consultant. I have customers that are working
in the public cloud like you just described.
I have some that are working still running in datacenters.
I have some doing Azure stack and I have some
So there’s, uh, as you are well aware,
there are subtle differences between all of those and Azure
proper. seems to be literally changing daily.
These updates that are coming out in new functionality and
what you described with even with Poly base.
I like the way you you know,
the way you put that.
Leave your data where it is because trying to move
petabytes of data right now.
and I know you have a new Microsoft has an
appliance to do this,
but the joke is what’s the fastest way to get
petabytes of data into the cloud?
And the answer is something like FedEx.
Exactly, just you load it onto these large disks and
ship it over,
and that’s awesome. That that’s an option and you know
the the major clouds all have something something like that.
My background is largely data integration,
data engineering, ETL, and you know I get clients that
approach me.
If it doesn’t know how do we lift and shift
our data an it’s often at least a two step
process if not three or four where you do the
big dump, you move it.
However, sometimes FedEx is the answer.
And then you set up these processes to slowly trickle
things in.
But my gosh, you’re right polybase just exploded and it
just gave us a whole slew of options.
Now for for moving data and it actually it made
my job.
It actually took some away from my load.
Bob because I don’t need to transform and structure data,
apply a structure or schema on,
read two data that was unstructured previously just to get
it into a relational database.
So that then we can use that for.
Microsoft analytics anymore you can hit that data like you
said in Poly base right where it sits in the
format it’s in I just said I just
had a customer reach out to me not long ago
saying look I saw your presentation on Poly base I
get the concept like the idea we have to go
hit an AS 400 that’s legacy in our company that
we can get rid of like AS 400 man I
remember those and so yeah I’m like he’s like How
do I do this that I go find a driver
and so he found it odbc driver and he’s got
it working so he’s using SQL.
As there in the cool thing about Poly base being
since their external tables is that your securables,
your security policies, your users,
they’re going up the SQL Server you set up control
to say is 400.
In this case they don’t even know they’re going.
It’s 400 and so well,
and so imagine this incremental migration strategy.
Now I told this person like,
hey, why don’t you do this?
You set up Poly base to this and then when
you’re ready to migrate,
put a view on SQL on top of your external
So whatever you call it,
right? So they’re accessing reports,
even power BI reports against the as 400 through SQL.
And then you could incrementally,
you know, move tables across so that at some point
the views just point to the local SQL tables.
But it’s an incremental migration now,
so we’ve seen customers consider Polybase as an incremental migration
strategy. Interesting, it’s just amazing that AS 400 is still
crucial to so many businesses exactly.
Yeah, even even in the private sector.
Or, you know, there is an instance of one governor
of the state asked putting out a plea for
Cobol developers. Yeah. Natural stopping grounded Frank.
It is it
is. It was
up your New
Jersey. I will make any negative.
I won’t make
any remarks at this point.
I’m an old Pascal, Fortran,
C++, C programmer from
the early days with Linux Unix,
so I will make any cobol comments here like I
took a global class in college because I had to.
I Luckily pass the course without getting kicked up by
my Professor,
’cause I made fun of this language so bad,
but. Ironically, my wife was a cobol programmer,
so we met at General Dynamics and so to this
day you know,
occasionally in a party she’s like.
Well, what do you? What did you use to do?
How to cause? Why did cobol programmer like?
I don’t. Ginger don’t admit
that. Don’t don’t don’t. And then
she laughed at me and said,
like hey man, during Y2K that was,
you know, that was a great job that people made
millions of
during those
frames, right?
That’s true, but there’s a lot of old code out
We’re all friends with friends and acquaintances.
I don’t know Frank knows,
Buck Woody, but he’s a friend of mine and I
know he’s a friend of yours as
well. Bob and he has.
I don’t admit that publicly.
Oh OK, sorry,
sorry yeah that
out. He works with
me though. He is the I will
admit that he does work with.
Mike has a
He put a post out not long ago and it
maybe it.
Maybe it was long ago now I can’t remember,
but he said what’s another word for legacy code?
And you are Speaking of Cobol in the,
uh, the Fortran languages that you mentioned as well past
Another name for
that is code that works,
and he’s still
working. If it works right.
If it
works, right, that’s right. Yeah,
I took a
cobalt class and it was not required but I took
it because I was in 1994 and it wasn’t too
hard to read the tea leaves that Y2K was going
to be a big deal but I never.
I never. Fortunately I never had to actually use it
that is good
for you. Yes, that’s good.
I too have I take a took a dim view
of the language.
It was just kind of like.
I mean, like you
know, I guess at one point,
when it was the only game in town,
it was
the best language there was.
No, it’s got a great history.
There was a great purpose behind why it existed and
where it exists and so forth,
but I just, you know,
and in college you know starting to already do like
Pascal and C and so forth.
I would look at this thing going.
There’s more comments than the code.
I mean, what the heck?
I could go write a piece of Pascal Code and
two lines and do what it took.
100 lines in Cobol
like this crazy, but anyways.
Well, I dream of
documenting code nightmare. Yeah, so Bob,
we have a list
of questions we like to run through with
every guest wear their cowboy Dallas
cowboy trivia is that
you’re going to its close.
OK, close. Really, I’m good at
that. I’m gonna del cowboy
trivia. By close, I mean now I’ll share this.
I have a lot of respect for the Dallas Cowboys.
Are the Redskin fan I liked.
And that fantastic coaches and the Redskins had Joe Gibbs.
And yeah, it just, you know,
there’s a lot of
mutual respect. Respect
big respect for
joke, exactly, and Tom Landry.
Oh my God, Oh yeah,
you know tremendous. The giant of there,
but that’s really it. I was just
throwing that out there. Not
my birthday since we’re talking trash about the Redskins,
I’ll say
two things, one. I know I I don’t have
skin in the game, my in laws are all Steelers
fans an I don’t really follow the NFL.
She’s a lovely lady anyway.
I really care about baseball.
That’s really my stay do too,
I’m missing it. Oh my gosh,
we have a brain stadium here.
We have a brand new stadium sitting sitting right now.
There’s a brand new stadium sitting 15 miles from my
I grew up in Arlington where the stadium is so
this I could,
probably Kentucky. I went to the very first Texas Ranger
game ever played ever so 15 miles away.
Is this new stadium? It’s empty.
It’s just tragic. Yeah, we’re just dying to get into
it to see it with tractable roof.
We’re all going to survive during August when it’s 120
We can go watch baseball.
And, Uh, Yeah. It’s just a tragedy.
With all of this that we can’t get into that
But I’m a big
baseball person. Two huge into basement.
OK, cool, but you probably won’t like to hear
that. I’m a
Yankees fan, but I’m using this.
OK, OK, I would if I was
a Yankees fan. I admitted to man.
There’s no just like so.
I’m holding
up my hand representing
the Braves Atlanta Braves here.
There was OK. There you go,
Well, we used to have
the love you
anyway here in Richmond. Thanks,
thanks Bob, I appreciate
it. I love you too man.
But yeah,
we no longer have the,
uh, the farm team, so that’s disappointing.
No, that’s a bummer. But yeah,
again, right now I’m like you,
I want to go see a AAA game,
Anita bad
hotdog. Go to a high school game I don’t care
what the game is,
I just want to go to us and look again
across the street right now.
Man, I tell you it’s the same here,
same. Right there and we have,
uh, I’m gonna jump
in our questions. Let’s see her have number one is
how did you find your way into data?
And would you describe it as you finding data or
data finding you?
I think data found me.
I mean, I took college courses,
you know, database systems, all that kind of great stuff.
Third, normal form of CJ date.
All those kind of fun things.
When I was out of college.
Not long out of college I work for.
I moved to a job for a local hospital chain
called Harris hospital chain here in the Dallas Fort Worth
area and they had this major project with IBM.
And my boss came to me and said Hey,
we think you should be the database guy.
So they through and get ready for this.
They threw inggris inggris. Was the database system in those
days with Unix said hey learn this inggris thing and
you’re kind of our DBA?
Like what types of
TV now? So
all of a sudden I was
like the sequel person for inggris systems.
Back in those days. So then I transferred to American
which you guys have heard of.
Obviously that company and they were like oh,
we heard you have this database background.
Can you go be the Oracle guy?
So all of a sudden inside mix both those like
can you kind of do Oracle and Sybase?
I’m like yeah I think I learned in those days.
Uh, but it was more of development work than DBA
Of course we’re using Unix,
so weird everything, but I kind of picked up my
Oracle skills an my C and those kind of type
skills with database systems back in those days and in
the early 90s of I was kind of thinking about
a new career in the new gig an I happen
to be crazy enough at a couple’s baby shower.
I know this sounds crazy for my first son and
this lady who is a friend of my wife walks
up and said I heard your database guy.
I mean, that’s what I’ve been told.
I’m like, Yeah, well, there’s this company that I work
for called Microsoft and we’re looking for some people in
the Texas area that no databases.
And I’m like, yeah, I kind of know that,
but Microsoft are you kidding me?
It’s like a PC company.
I’m a Unix guy, not anything to do with this,
but that’s how it started.
So that’s how data and Microsoft found me at a
couple’s baby shower party.
And before you know what I’m interviewing,
I’m hired. And here we are 26 years later.
That was the big the big appeal.
Some Microsoft to me was hey,
you know programming. You know how to do development.
You know Unix, you know Oracle in these databases and
really well we need that kind of skill set.
We have this SQL Server product that runs on OS2
and I’m like Oh S2 what that’s for like my
What do you mean? And I’m like OK,
but that’s how I got my start.
So yeah data kind of found me.
I think a little bit.
Wow, yeah I saw that you been at Microsoft for
26 years.
That’s last October
by selling my 26 year anniversary.
I know it’s it’s really,
really, absolutely funny. One of my colleagues that works with
Buck is Anna Hoffman an you know every once in
awhile she throws in that gym when somebody says in
our will be in a meeting and so it says
Bob how long you been here in like 26 years
and it’s like yeah,
that’s longer than I was born.
Like I was born after you started oh so I
keep telling her you know that’s where
an old on me. No,
but even at the
Microsoft Office. At the Microsoft in Texas,
I run into that when we were in the office.
I’d be in the break room and somebody walked up
and they look really nervous to meet me.
Like do I even ask this guy like Bob Ward?
I’m like, hey, what’s your name?
You know there’s such and such and I’m like,
hey what’s going on there like I have heard you
been here for awhile like yeah 26 years like oh
that’s interesting they walk off I’m like son of a
gun. It’s ’cause they’re like 24 or
something, right? Wow.
Yeah, Anna Hoffman has some great videos on
SQL Server on. She’s good.
She’s Super Smart, Super Sharp and but yeah,
yeah. She unfortunately was born
after I started with the company.
So right, right. Crazy here
that with pride, wear with pride yeah,
wear with
pride exactly. Yeah well I computer name is going to
on the wall I
get it. Put it back on her she’ll say like
Hey Bob didn’t you forgot about this?
I’m like hey senior moment when I get to
use it all the time.
You know it’s gotta be
like the like. The Spiderman dialogue and in The Avengers
movie where he’s talking about these really old movies
like aliens. Oh, that’s right.
Right, that’s right, that’s right,
that’s right. Well, I’ve done
that to her before. Like hey,
what about the matrix and was
like what’s The Matrix?
Oh Oh wow, she’s finally starting
to watch some of them that we’ve kind of pushed
her a little bit to start watching these
these older movies, right? Well,
you gotta catch her up.
I mean, yeah, exactly. She won’t get the references
if she had watched
the movies, that’s true. Uh,
so, uh, what’s your
favorite part of your current gig?
That’s our next question.
Oman, uh, well, part of those meeting people at events,
right? You know? Honestly, it all comes down to translating
I love doing that. I love taking something really complex
and translating that in a way to somebody else can
And so I find myself working with so many different
skilled people.
You know, there’s so many people at Microsoft smarter than
I’ll take my colleague Robert Door the other Bob.
Who’s been at Microsoft? Just as long as I have,
he could be the smartest people in the planet.
And when we get into a room in a white
I’m like penny from The Big Bang theory.
Like he’ll get up there
and start drawing something and I’m like 5
answer. I’ve told this sort of people there like wait
a minute.
There are people smarter than you.
I’m like, Are you kidding me?
There’s lava Oaks. So many people are so smart,
but they love the fact that I will take the
work that they do and then translate it down for
the rest of us.
Like oh, this is what that meant,
right? and I love doing that.
We look at a sequel,
server 19. I wrote this book that came out last
Sequel 19 revealed, and one of the things I love
doing was interviewing people on the team and then putting
them in the book.
OK, I’ve entered this person.
I would interview person about a feature we did going.
Hey, where did that start from and why did you
do it?
They’re like Oh well, OK and so then I put
that story in the book like here’s the origins of
why we did this and then talk.
And then I would translate,
you know again, what’s the feature or how do you
use it?
Why do we use it?
So I would say translating knowledge is something that I
just still just.
Whether it’s digital or being
in person, I really still enjoy doing that.
Frank were talking. Sorry, that’s OK.
Go ahead.
I always like those origin stories for features.
I think that’s one of the things that enamored me
with channel 9 when it first started was you would
get to meet the people like,
well, that’s why we made that decision.
Even if you didn’t agree with it.
You’re like, yeah, that makes sense.
I’ve gotta make it up at
anytime I write a book,
I always put those like whenever the Linux book did.
Same thing. I sat down with Lava Oaks,
the father of SQL in Dickson said why did you
do this?
What was the history here and he told me all
these fun stories which I put all that stuff in
the book and that is fun to do.
But it also gives somebody it’s not just to put
a story in there right is to give a perspective
on what was the thinking like.
Why did why would I use this?
Like why did you do it?
Did you just sit in a corner somewhere and thought
it was a good idea?
Like no no, we actually had feedback from people that
this is the right thing to do.
So polybase good example, right?
Like why do we do Poly base?
Well, there was thinking behind that people were telling us
I can’t spend all this ETL money anymore.
Like can you find a different way so I love
telling those kind of stories.
But again it translates into real value like why?
Why would you pick something?
Yeah, it certainly does an an.
I was going to share that Frank and I were
talking prior to you joining our session here.
An I was proud. Spoiler Frank.
I’m going to tell it tell which is just.
Frank says to Maine. Kind of in Jesse.
So this Bob Ward Guy is kind
of a big deal. And I don’t.
I don’t know when Frank learner
may have been at the ready where he you know
it’s ready conference internally where he realized that you were
who you were and we already we already been talking.
We’ve been talking for months about setting up this recording,
but it’s like, absolutely. and I was sharing,
you know, just my experience of showing up to the
Summit, the largest room we have and you know I’m
5 minutes early,
which means I’m too late as a fire Marshall won’t
let me in.
There’s just too many people.
These rooms are packed an you do that very,
very well I I think that’s a That’s a gift
of being able to do that translation and be being
a good interpreter of taking these highly technical concepts and
breaking them down so even I can understand him when
I do get in the room so.
That’s just
one. Appreciate that. Well, I appreciate that.
One thing, though that does keep me going is to
keep the appreciate.
I’m humbled by those comments you just made and so
right? But I treat I’ll talk to two people with
the same as 1000,
right? I mean, for me,
I’m just like you. I’m just like everybody else.
I’ve been doing it for a long time now and
sometimes I have a name recognition thrown out there and
so forth,
and that’s all lovely. But I have people like my
wife to keep me humble.
Like nothing I don’t don’t get too big for your
britches here.
You’re not that good. But yeah,
I I really try to make sure I keep that
added to a healthy attitude that no matter who I
it’s a quality interaction with somebody to talk to.
Weather be on the phone or in person and that
person’s got skills that I don’t have,
that’s for sure. So yeah,
I appreciate all those comments and I love doing it.
But I always try to make sure I keep myself
grounded like there’s always somebody smarter than yourself right in
Experience mine too.
I won’t speak for Frank’s Franks pretty smart.
Got you like you? Go to LinkedIn and Frank Scott
like I don’t know how many certifications are you up
to Frank, I’m gonna put you on the spot.
56 was earned last week.
57 is about an hour
away. I was going
to say you’re getting close to 50 right?
And here you are pushing 60.
Sort of. Yeah, Frank is very smart and he he
finally listened to me Bob about getting into into data.
I beat on it. It only took me about six
or Seven years talking in it.
It took the silver
light apocalypse in the Windows Phone apocalypse for me to
looking for a new home.
Yeah, we are dating ourselves
now around me. Frank
has a real knack for visualization.
But I’m I have a.
I have a real deficit for that.
Like if I walk into the room and there’s somebody
there that’s good at visualization.
I’m like a black hole.
I’ll suck some of their
power away. I’m that bad at it,
the moving data that’s funny.
That’s my thing. Data pumps atls ISD TS dating,
and you’re probably extremely good at it,
Well, I enjoy it. I’ll
say it that way and I’m still employed doing it.
So I know about good.
I don’t know about you,
but I enjoy it so it works.
It kind of works out,
so we have three complete this sentence questions.
Kind of
this is PG though, right?
So yes,
please. What is that rating?
Frank Frank knows all of these things.
Clean, clean ratings on iTunes.
We want to keep that.
Yes, please. I’m not worried about that with you when
I’m not working I enjoy blank.
it’s got to be sports.
Um, Gosh help my wife’s not listening to this.
No obviously lot spend time with my lovely wife Ginger
which was amazing but sports is just part of my
nature and that’s why it’s killing me right now.
It’s like where are you going to watch reruns of
everything right?
But yeah, it’s sports playing it,
watching it, keeping up with it and I’m really,
really blessed. My wife played basketball so she loves basketball.
Both my boys were college baseball players,
their huge into sports so we talk about it all
the time.
But yeah it be sports.
So there is
a just while the pandemics going on in sports or
put on hold for now.
Watching John get his name wrong.
John Krasinski. I
think his name his daughter.
and he’s doing a YouTube show right now.
It’s only about 3 weeks old at the time of
this recording,
and in the third episode of this he had some
like sports substitutes,
annetts YouTube video clips from people.
Oh my goodness, just like us were all were all
into sports and they’re trying to make up for the
sports deficit.
And it’s some of it’s really funny and all of
its cool.
So it’s called softly reviews.
Yeah, will put it in the show notes and will
send you.
I’ll send
you a link.
I love that actor because,
you know, he was in the office,
which is one of the greatest shows of all time,
and he’s lately doing these Jack Ryan Series on Amazon
So yeah, I really like that
after a lot and so
often they check that out.
I appreciate
that I learned watching this.
He’s married to Emily Blunt.
I did not know. Just you know,
have you seen the movie?
Gosh, what is it called with them together?
Not the
silence, the quiet, quiet, quiet.
Oh my goodness, I haven’t seen it yet,
but I’ve heard of it.
I did not totally. I will not tell you,
but I
highly recommend that movie. OK,
I’m gonna check it out.
Cool. So our next question is complete,
this another complete the sentence.
I think the coolest thing in
technology today is blank.
You know appropriately it has to be cloud,
because Can you imagine? Uh,
ten years ago, if we had this problem going on,
um, you know, I’ve got my wife who’s become like
this online guruve now helping she like on a daily
My health like 30 people in her church group and
so forth.
Do online things. Uhm, I don’t mean just like Azure
or even Microsoft or whatever.
But Internet and cloud technology.
I, I think people we’ve just taken it for so
much granted an and here we are in this situation
now where it is literally powering part of the economics
of the world. So to me,
that’s gotta be it, hands down.
Not totally agree this this would be a much deeper
economic impact.
It still bad.
It’s still awful.
It still crazy bad. It’s a crisis,
right? But if we didn’t have this,
I can’t even imagine 10 years ago being at Microsoft
and having this problem right,
where we’re all now at home.
It’s hard, it’s difficult, right?
But wow, I mean, yeah,
right hand and I would’ve.
I would’ve probably. That would have been my answer even
without this problem though,
because I think about my career.
Microsoft in the days of 0 Internet speed and zero
cloud type based things where I was working,
these massive lab systems all the time I would put
my boys down for dinner.
I would go back to the office at 9:00 o’clock
and work till midnight ’cause I didn’t have any access
to get to that stuff back then.
And you know, now I I just working from home
is kind of like a take for granted thing for
many people actually.
So I think that’s what’s amazing.
You know, it occurred to me as you were saying
that Bob,
that you started right around it must have been
around 1994. Is that 20?
Three was my Microsoft when
I started. Yeah, and I don’t want this is not
meant as a throw off on anything or anyone,
but I remember that I was working with Microsoft Tech
at that time too.
and I remember Bill Gates speech at the end of
twenty 1994 I believe.
Was mid December where it was.
He said something like, you know,
we’re going to focus on the web all of a
If it wasn’t that you weren’t but that that kind
of started this whole Microsoft all in on the Internet
which emerged.
You know, that was kind of the great great grand
father to where we are with
Azure. Now if you even look back to the days
of the mid 2000s,
right when Bill Gates was stepping down as our chief
technology officer,
you know, basically, president of the company.
You know, Ray Ozzie. We hired a guy name Ray,
Ozzie and he came in,
and I’m other forget. I remember as an employee seeing
this email saying hey,
the future is we’ve been doing cloud services to email
and web browsing and that’s what I thought of it
back then,
right? But it’s like no,
no the future of Cloud Services is hosting things and
databases and web apps and so forth.
And this is pre Azure obviously.
But I remember hiring this person in this email and
I’m certainly like,
yeah, right, like anybody is going to get their database.
In a cloud, in what and so even back then
being huge seek I’m 10 years into the job 10
plus years.
I’m a SQL Server guru,
blah blah blah. I’m like you know what?
There’s no anybody going to SQL Server in a cloud.
An look at where we are right?
So yeah, it’s just going to continue.
But yeah, I I I gotta admit you know people
bash technology and rightfully people should be very skeptical of
technology using it the right way.
But if we didn’t have what we have right now.
It would be a very different story.
I totally agree with you.
You know we’ve had. You know,
things have significant things happened significantly in our lives.
I think I think back to where they are.
You know, early 2000s. I think back to 911 and
Frank if you if you get a chance Bob go
Frank was there when that when that happened and he
has some amazing photographs he has.
He tells his story and.
I just applaud, frankly, we’ve been friends for how long
have we been friends
for 15 years? I
think something like that. Yeah,
that seems long. It seems like it’s been
15 years. It says you’re saying it
out when you sure when
you workout the math you’re like,
you know, do this minus this.
Carry the
one like yeah it is 15 years.
Back then, even you
know we talked about how we got through that time.
You know I lost the job as a result of
that and it was hard.
It was months before I could find it on the
I know you’re right, Bob,
we could not, you know.
Certainly back then that was almost 20 years ago.
We certainly couldn’t couldn’t have done what we’re doing right
I’m I’m working. I’m one of the fortunate people that
is actually still working.
I’ve got clients of I’m selling training.
In fact, I got a huge hit.
On on training in mid March I had more requests
for information about my training in March and probably the
second half of March that I did the entire 2019
year and that’s just leaving people were making that transition
and they were trying to figure out.
I think. OK, well, we’re going to send everybody home.
We got that and we’re going to do this remote
We’ve got that, but for folks who were brand new
to this UI,
Frank, we’ve been doing this for years now so the
companies where it was brand new.
They had to kind of figure out what they were
going to do an.
A number of them at least reached out to me
and said I this week we want to do some
training and it actually worked out ’cause I was supposed
to be traveling the last week of March.
I was going to SQL bit the first week of
April an so I had time.
It just, you
know, I never have time in the next
2 weeks and all of a sudden I had two
empty weeks so it was just amazing that we could
do that.
And the truth is it’s almost the same.
As being in the room,
they can see me. If I want I can see
them and you know we can.
We can interact that way.
I can watch for facial.
I kind of watch for tuning out.
You know this, your presenter.
You watch for people to know you try to get
that group back ’cause you’re always going to lose this
group when you bring this group anyway.
It’s just been amazing. You’re absolutely right,
and I know. I I I I totally agree with
The technology is good as it you know and I’m
sure it’ll get better.
But it we needed what we have.
I mean every every ounce of it.
We need all of the cycles and so thankful for
Alright, one more thing. Another fill in the blank last
one I look forward to the day when I can
use technology to blank.
OK um
PG PG yes yes yes yes yes.
I don’t know if my wife will like this one.
I would say automate everything about my home.
And what I mean by that is I live in
three acres here.
I’m very fortunate to have some land here in Texas
where I live.
I still kind of in the suburb of the city
of three acres,
so have a home. I have some land and so
but have all this stuff and I realized that there’s
some of this does even exist today,
but it’s just not uniform.
I just want anything that has that has electricity or
an appliance to just have iot on it.
Man, like my phone. Like I’ve got I’ve got.
I’ve got lights down in the front of my property
down here I’ve got a little photocells sensor on it
so that they will go off during the day and
come on at night it’s not working correctly.
And you know, and it’s granted it still electricity.
You gotta wired and everything like that.
But why can’t the lights just come with that?
And maybe they do nowadays,
right? So I just want everything to have this uniform
iot nastu to it.
and I don’t want to be lazy about it.
I just wanted I just want to.
I want more sensors. I want more automation to help
me make things more efficient,
whatever that may be, right?
So I think that’s probably what I
look forward to seeing now I.
I concur on that one.
I would love the ability to.
Remotely check in on stuff and I mean a lot
of this stuff.
You can kind of build,
but I have reservations about
security. I
want affordable. Like Texas, you need air conditioning,
right? You have to have it so affordable.
Air conditioning units that literally have built in iot sensors
sensing before they go out with machine learning like it’s
all just built in.
So that way you get a little warning saying hey,
by the way, your AC unit is at a level
where normally what we’ve seen within two months it has
a problem.
That way in July it doesn’t go out at 110
degrees and I have to call somebody and pay millions
of dollars to fix it.
It’s like no no. Fix it now.
So what you do today is you pay somebody in
a predictive maintenance schedule.
They always just come out at the same time and
they look at it.
But but what if it was OK then?
But a week later it’s not something with your car.
Same thing with all sorts of things that you live
in your life.
Like I want more productive machine learning iot sensor type
technology built into all these kind of things.
Cool. Alright, so for let’s change it up now we’re
going away from the fill in the blank
model. OK, share something
different about yourself, but
once again remember it’s a family podcast different about myself.
You know what? I’ll just
say it and I’ve set up my books.
I am just a deep believer in Jesus Christ.
I mean, Christianity is a massive part of who I
am and my personality an what Anna code by live
I’m not the kind of person to throw that heavy
on somebody.
I was just offered to talk about if somebody wants
But my faith defines me.
It’s not just like a characteristic.
It’s like a foundation thing.
And so you know that is something that I’m proud
and happy to tell anybody about.
And it’s funny because I’ve met people before that have
seen me and met me personally and said,
OK, well, I can kind of get that.
And then I’ve got some people say like I didn’t
think you were religious person.
I’m like, well, that’s not it.
That’s not what it’s all about.
So I always just be transparent.
Look for those opportunities to share that message with anybody
I can,
but in a way that is,
you know. Reasonable and not overbearing,
but that’s I would say that’s number one thing I
would tell somebody about
myself. Cool, I think
that’s awesome. I mentioned that to Frank as well when
we were in the kind of the pre show.
I said I notice that in your kind of the
about me,
part of the book the 2019 books.
So an I didn’t it didn’t shock me but I
didn’t know and it wasn’t because you’re like
being a bad Christian. Well,
I’m I’m just saying it.
know that you know that’s the message the message is
is that the message of being a Christian is that
we’re all screwed up,
man. We all fall short so if anybody is out
there that is telling you that and putting themselves on
a pedestal,
that’s the opposite of the message.
So the messages is that it’s all for everybody.
We’re all screwed up’s. And I’m right there with,
uh, believe me, I get reminded all the time from
everybody I know you are a screw up.
don’t know I don’t know if
we’re connected on social media,
Bob, I’ll make sure we at least get on Lake
down after this.
But OK, yeah, sure. On LinkedIn,
I don’t usually share messages of faith,
although occasionally I do, but Frank can vouch for me
on Facebook and Twitter and now one of my kind
of repetitions things as I’m the worst center I know
and I got that from a a Kyle Idleman book
and it really helped me.
It’s called Grace is greater,
by the way, that’s awesome.
Yeah, he’s he’s a great writer I think.
Can you know lots of lots of cool information in
there to share,
so I’ll share
one other little fun little tidbit about me.
I am a college athlete from long ago.
An and people that see me,
although I’m trying to still lose weight these days.
I have run 2 marathons,
actually did one when I was 16 years old.
I was a cross country runner so that when I
was 16 when I was 19 and dumb so he
asked if it’s kind of a little proud fun moment
to have
is that it runs out of that.
Those are hard
so hard it was very hard.
That was going to die when I was done,
but I have a 16 and 19 back then right.
I recovered very easily. I couldn’t even come close to
doing that today,
but those are some fun moments back
in the past. That’s awesome.
So where can people learn more about you,
Bob? I don’t really advertise myself that much.
I am on Twitter. I really don’t want to be
on Twitter to be honest with you,
but it is a great neck.
I really just don’t like it,
but it is a great mechanism to promote what happens
at Microsoft and technologies.
So at Bob Ward, Ms is the Twitter handle and
then I’m on LinkedIn.
You can just look at Bob Ward,
Microsoft. I do like LinkedIn.
I do like sharing things.
I’ve tried to use LinkedIn is such an easy way
to do things right,
so I’m even trying to use LinkedIn to write articles
versus blog post sometimes require view,
review processes and all these kind of things.
So I’m even trying to use LinkedIn as a mechanism
to share technology information.
One thing I would promote that you can find information
about what I do if you look at AKA dot
Ms you may have heard that kind of a user
how Monica at Microsoft so AKA dot Ms.
Bob word Ms. You’re not going to believe this,
but if you go there,
it’s a one drive with presentations I’ve done for the
last 10 years.
My really whatever you can find you can go back
and find like inside memory talks.
You can find anything you want.
Is there all free just pull it and use it.
In fact I’ll make this bold statement.
Reuse it. Like I tell people that I’m I’m an
open source presenter.
So if you want to take a slide that I
built last year and a talk you don’t need my
just do it. Just go right,
just use it right. The other thing is AKA dot
Ms SQL workshops.
This is the brainchild of Buck Woody,
Scary thought, I realized. But if you go there,
if you go to and he’s the one that put
the HTML page together.
If you go there, it’s a link to it.
Would point to my presentations on there,
but it’s a link to our workshops on GitHub.
And so, how literally for free?
This isn’t built like a separate training team.
This is built by us in engineering.
There’s workshops on SQL 19 on big data clusters on
Azure on Buck.
In our data scientists and data science workshops.
So you just go up there and get her pull
this down for free and just do it.
We even told trainers when we would meet with them.
You’re allowed to take this and go charge people to
train with it.
If you want to, you can do that.
We don’t care, we just want people to use this
stuff right?
So if I had to pick two resources,
those would be things that I would ask people to
go look at an yeah.
Use him to your heart’s
content. Now that’s awesome. That’s awesome.
Will definitely have that in the show notes.
We we have a sponsor excitable,
and if you’re if you’re into audio books,
if you could recommend a good one or if you’re
into books aside from the course,
the ones who
have written.
You know, if you have any recommendations.
Reader, although I’ve had a little more cycles on my
time here since I’m not traveling so I can it
be any kind of book does it does have to
be a technical book or it could be any kind
of OK?
I just love the Tom Clancy Series.
Man I don’t know, I just I’ve always been a
big fan of the Tom Clancy Jack Ryan.
That whole kind of type thing.
And so I had read most of the older ones
when Tom Clancy was alive and so other people have
picked up that moniker.
I guess they’ve been allowed to do that and so
I started.
I started back again to go read.
The Tom Clancy Chronology of Jack Ryan.
When he was president and he had these other people
with him and so forth,
I don’t know. I just get I get a kick
out of those.
The other one that you’ll probably be surprised by is
there is nothing better in my opinion then going back
and Reading Sherlock Holmes.
I just think Sherlock Holmes can be the funnest thing
to all these little short stories of him solving mysteries.
And if you want to compliment that,
I would recommend watching the BBC.
A series called Sherlock. There’s many different Sherlock Holmes things
have been out there for awhile,
but Sherlock is Benjamin Cumberbatch,
famous actor and Marten, which Martin Freeman’s,
doctor Watson, and it’s a modern day.
Sherlock Holmes, right? So if you kind of into Sherlock
Holmes and you kind of like those mysteries and so
read the books and then go watch the BBC series,
which you can probably get on Netflix or wherever.
But yeah, I’ll ever every once awhile just kick back
and go read a Sherlock Holmes story and it just.
I love those
things. Very cool,
that’s cool. Well,
I know. So
if you go ahead. Sorry,
Andy Frank, I think you didn’t Tom Clancy live in
I think he
did live in Maryland, but I do remember reading the
hunt for red October and there is a whole section
on Fordham University. Oh, really,
is that where you at school?
Yeah, that’s why would
night, yeah? You know, I just probably about an effect.
I’m sorry what I remember that in the book ever
before him.
In the book, yeah, yeah,
yeah yeah, I was like I was.
Coming freshman, I’m reading
it like holy cow like this.
Dulles, who,
who, which Dulles Airport, is named for,
and he was. He was one of the early members
of the CIA.
His son converted to Catholicism and became a Jesuit priest
and taught it for him.
While I was there, right?
That’s interesting, wow, I mean he didn’t convert while I
was there.
I’m sure he was teaching
while I was
there. Did you take a class from the
world? No, I did not.
And you know, which is probably one of my many
regrets in my college years,
but we
don’t want to keep the Spanish.
Well, that might be one of them.
I’m a fan also
of Clancy’s books an I have not read the newer
the newer stuff,
but I was enough of a fan to remember executive
orders when Jack Ryan became president.
Yes, So what I’ve done is I’ve
gone back out on the Internet and read OK,
what’s the order of the books now that are there?
And my Public Library you can check out the E
books for free.
So I’ve got my little Surface tablet.
Then I’m gone back to executive order.
That time frame is kind of when I stop reading.
And I’m pulling down those and starting reading again and
they did their fund their entertaining fun.
They’re very, you know, action oriented and he tries to
give this behind the scenes of how the military and
the CIA and the government work and so forth.
You know people may not agree with some of the
stuff in there and so forth,
but it’s not too over the top,
and it’s kind of entertaining and fun.
But so. Totally agree, love
that I do recommend the
John Krasinski Jack Ryan series that he has done on
Amazon Prime.
He spent two seasons of them now and he’s an
excellent Jack Ryan.
Probably, I’ll probably get a lot of feedback.
Probably a lot of feedback from that now.
People will hear that like he’s not terrible.
Jack Ryan.
I think he’s really
good. I thought so too.
Was it you know the first one?
Of course Alec Baldwin played the first Japanese curvy and
he was he was raised a fantastic actor and did
a great job of that.
And because of that, you know it’s kind of like
anchoring when you talk about bias in machine learning,
right? Everybody like Baldwin. And shortly,
though I loved all the Jack rise,
I think
all of another job.
I mean, yeah, I’m not.
I’m not a huge critic.
I’m not a big movie critic person.
I just like to I’d like to be entertained,
right? Same here. So I can’t think of a single
Jack Ryan movie,
no matter who played it.
That I was entertained by I mean overall entertained by
them so that’s all I really care about
those OK I gotta ask this this off script who’s
your favorite character in those books.
In the books in the
book, there’s a Jack Ryan.
Or is
it another color? Stephanie Jack Ryan.
I love the Jack Ryan,
the kind of the kind of non please.
Kind of like a nonpolitical,
no nonsense hardnose guy who’s he’s smart.
He’s a very smart person but also not afraid to
get his hands dirty.
You know, kind of type
person. I mean I really resonate with that a lot
so that I of course I think I would put
Clark John Clark School.
He should be super cool.
Incredibly, super cool it is,
but my goodness and what was it without remorse?
Will they look just passed and he was he was?
He was a pretty
interesting, amazing and mean. Hombre.
Right? Yeah, you don’t wanna mess with that guy
absolutely well. Frank, Bob. I think
this has been a fantastic show.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you and
I’ll speak for Frankie.
I know Franco back me up on this.
We we thank you so much for taking this time
out to come and be on our show.
My goodness, thank you. My
honor and pleasure.
Awesome absolutely. It’s funny. When I was in the audience,
if you talk it ready.
I was thinking to myself he would be great on
the podcast then I’m like.
Wait is that the guy
and he was talking to?
That’s funny, that’s why I didn’t come
up at the after your talk
and be like,
hey. I’m glad
you guys asked. I’m very happy to be on this
and I love getting a chance to again,
you know, communicate with the community,
talk about the community and I said I’m a normal
person so it’s kind of it was fun to be
on here and give
some interesting information about who I am personally.
So cool awesome, well you have a great day and
stay safe in pandemic and I will say now this
is the part where we say let the nice British
lady in the show unless Andy has any profound thoughts.
And now me profound. No thanks.
I want to I want to jump that today,
but I wear under
Bobby was our honor to
have you on
the show. Thanks again. Thank you.
Absolutely thanks Bob. Thanks. Thanks for listening to data driven.
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