*DataPoint* Touring the Data Analytics and AI Area at Inspire
*DataScienceDaily* Data Science Cert Progress, AI Better than Humans at Art, and the Data Science Arms Race
Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science https://academy.microsoft.com/en-us/professional-program/data-science/ @gp_pulipaka Flow Clustering Using Machine Learning Techniques. #BigData #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #Networks http://buff.ly/2toO8gQ @evankirstel The “#DataScience Arms Race” Has Begun by @crystalkimmm on @BarronsOnline http://www.barrons.com/articles/the-data-science-arms-race-has-begun-1499353043 … #BigData @ipfconline1 #DeepLearning – A Non-Technical Introduction. http://buff.ly/2gcFFHV [via @gp_pulipaka] #BigData #DL #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI @Ronald_vanLoon 10 Free Must-Read Books for Machine…
*DataPoint* AI, Automation, and the Robots that Will Take Away All the Jobs.
*DataScienceDaily* Leveling Up Your Career and Differences Between Machine Learning, Data Science, AI, Deep Learning, and Statistics
Data Science Daily @TopCyberNews Replying to @SeverineLienard @TheMisterFavor and 8 others ! @julsimon ‘Want to learn to code? Start with #Python‘ by Serdar Yegulalp http://www.infoworld.com/article/3204016/python/what-is-python.html … #Data #DataScience #DataViz @infoworld @Ronald_vanLoon Difference between Machine Learning, Data Science, AI, Deep Learning, and Statistics | #DataScience #Analytics #RT http://bit.ly/2jhcZPw @Ronald_vanLoon 24 Data Science, R, Python, Excel, and Machine…
*DataScienceDaily* AWS Greengrass, R is Hot, and Why AI Would Be Nothing without Big Data
Data Science Daily Show Notes @theRegister Learn Machine Learning in 15 Miinutes https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/06/21/15_minutes_in_machine_learning/ @KirkDBorne Collections of great #DataScience articles at @DataScienceCtrl http://bit.ly/2rWyeWY #abdsc #AI #MachineLearning #Statistics #BigData #IoT @Ronald_vanLoon Why R is the best data science language to learn today | #DataScience #R #RT http://bit.ly/2j6fYGO AWS Greengrass makes it easier for business to develop for IoT.…