Arjun Patel on Vector Databases and the Future of Semantic Search

Today, we delve into the intriguing world of vector databases, retrieval augmented generation, and a surprising twist—origami.
Our special guest, Arjun Patel, a developer advocate at Pinecone, will be walking us through his mission to make vector databases and semantic search more accessible. Alongside his impressive technical expertise, Arjun is also a self-taught origami artist with a background in statistics from the University of Chicago. Together with co-host Frank La Vigne, we explore Arjun’s unique journey from making speech coaching accessible with AI at Speeko to detecting AI-generated content at Appen.
In this episode, get ready to unravel the mysteries of natural language processing, understand the impact of the attention mechanism in transformers, and discover how AI can even assist in the art of paper folding. From discussing the nuances of RAG systems to sharing personal insights on learning and technology, we promise a session that’s both enlightening and entertaining. So sit back, relax, and get ready to fold your way into the fascinating layers of AI with Arjun Patel on Data Driven.
Show Notes
00:00 Arjun Patel: Bridging AI & Education
04:39 Traditional NLP and Geometric Models
08:40 Co-occurrence and Meaning in Text
13:14 Masked Language Modeling Success
16:50 Understanding Tokenization in AI Models
18:12 “Understanding Large Language Models”
22:43 Instruction-Following vs Few-Shot Learning
26:43 “Rel AI: Open Source Data Tool”
31:14 “Retrieval-Augmented Generation Explained”
33:58 “Pinecone: Efficient Vector Database”
37:31 “AI Found Me: Intern to Innovator”
41:10 “Impact of Code Generation Models”
45:25 Personalized Learning Path Technology
46:57 Mathematical Complexity in Origami Design
50:32 “Data, AI, and Origami Insights”
Welcome back to Data Driven, the podcast where we chart the thrilling
Speaker:terrains of data science, AI, and everything in between.
Speaker:I'm Bailey, your semiscient host with a pangshang for
Speaker:sarcasm and a wit sharper than a histogram spike.
Speaker:Today's episode promises a delightful mix of the analytical and the
Speaker:artistic as we dive into the fascinating world of vector databases,
Speaker:retrieval augmented generation, and origami. Yes.
Speaker:You heard that right. Origami, the ancient art of
Speaker:folding paper, somehow finds itself intersecting with AI,
Speaker:proving that the future really does have layers or should I say folds.
Speaker:Our guest, Arjun Patel, is a developer advocate at Pinecone
Speaker:who's on a mission to demystify vector databases and semantic
Speaker:search, turning complex AI concepts into snackable bits of
Speaker:brilliance. He's also a self taught origami artist and a
Speaker:former statistics student who actually enjoyed it. So if
Speaker:you're ready to unravel the secrets of modern AI and maybe pick up a trick
Speaker:or two about folding life into geometric perfection, you're in the
Speaker:right place.
Speaker:Hello, and welcome back to Data Driven, the podcast where we explore the emergent
Speaker:fields of data science, AI, data engineering.
Speaker:Now today, due to a scheduling conflict, my most favorite is data engineer
Speaker:in the world will not be able to make it. But I will
Speaker:continue on, despite the recent snowstorms that we've had here in
Speaker:the DC Baltimore area. With me today, I have
Speaker:Arjun Patel, a developer advocate at Pinecone,
Speaker:who aims to make vector databases retrieval augmented generation,
Speaker:also known as RAG, and semantic search accessible by
Speaker:creating engaging YouTube videos, code notebooks, and blog
Speaker:posts that transform complex AI concepts
Speaker:into easily understandable content. After graduating with
Speaker:a BA in statistics from the University of Chicago, his journey through
Speaker:tech world stands spans from making speech coaching
Speaker:accessible with AI at Speeko to tackling AI
Speaker:generated content detection at Appen. Arjun's
Speaker:interest spans traditional natural language processing into modern
Speaker:large language model development and applications.
Speaker:Behind beyond his technical prowess, Arjun has been designing and folding his
Speaker:own origami creations for over a decade. Interesting.
Speaker:Seamlessly blending analytical thinking with artistic expression and his
Speaker:professional and personal pursuits. Welcome to the show, Arjun.
Speaker:Hey. Nice to meet you, Frank. Thanks for having me on. Excited to be here.
Speaker:Awesome. Awesome. There's a lot to unpack from there, but I think it's interesting to
Speaker:note that you have a BA in statistics. Yes. So you were probably
Speaker:studying, this sort of stuff before it was cool?
Speaker:Yeah. Yeah. A lot of the old school ways of analyzing
Speaker:data, understanding what's going on, so on and so forth.
Speaker:It was kind of, like, made clear to me pretty early that
Speaker:understanding how to work with data at small scale and at large scale is gonna
Speaker:be very important going to the future. So I kinda just took that and ran
Speaker:with it with my education. Very cool. It was
Speaker:definitely, you know, one of those things where I don't
Speaker:think people realized how important statistics would be until,
Speaker:you know, until the revolution happens, so to speak. So and it's also
Speaker:interesting to see because there's a lot of people that I think could benefit from,
Speaker:you know, picking up that old picking up a, an old statistics book and
Speaker:reading through it and understanding, like, a lot of the fundamentals. Obviously, there's a lot
Speaker:of new things, but a lot of the fundamentals are largely the
Speaker:same. You know, just I'll
Speaker:use this example. You know, McDonald's can add a Mc McRib sandwich,
Speaker:but it's still a McDonald's. Right? Like, it's This
Speaker:is what happens when you're shoveling snow. Like, your
Speaker:brain gets I absolutely agree. And, like,
Speaker:another proof on that point is that Anthropic just released a
Speaker:blog recently kind of recapping how to do statistical analysis when you're
Speaker:comparing different large language models. And when you read the paper in the blog,
Speaker:it's basically just like 2 sample t tests and kind of going over really,
Speaker:like, not introductory, but still statistics that's easily accessible for people to
Speaker:learn and understand. So it's still relevant, and it's still important.
Speaker:Interesting. One of the things that that that stood out in your in your bio
Speaker:was, people tend to forget that there
Speaker:was a natural language processing field prior
Speaker:to chat gpt launching.
Speaker:How do you, you know,
Speaker:we wanna talk about the difference between those 2? Sure.
Speaker:So the one of the first and probably only
Speaker:course I took in college related to natural language processing was
Speaker:called geometric models of meaning. And everything I learned in that
Speaker:course was like everything before, what we now would
Speaker:consider, like, modern embedding models. So bag of
Speaker:word methods, understanding how to represent documents and text purely
Speaker:based on, like, the frequency of the words that exist in the text,
Speaker:and then trying to understand, like, okay. Based on that information, how can
Speaker:we learn about the concepts that exist in text from the words that are being
Speaker:used? Like, what is the framework we can use to understand what these
Speaker:words mean based on their, co occurrences with the other words and
Speaker:texts that you're working with and based on, what those
Speaker:words mean as well. So, like, what the words' neighbors are and what their meaning
Speaker:helps and also what those words are doing. And I think a lot of traditional
Speaker:natural language processing, methodologies kinda stem from that, and
Speaker:there's a there's a lot of mileage you can get out of just thinking about
Speaker:approaching problems there before you step into these more complicated methods,
Speaker:like, these embed modern embedding models that exist. So that's kind of, like, what I
Speaker:would consider, like, traditional NLP, like, doing named entity recognition,
Speaker:trying to understand how to, find keywords really
Speaker:quickly. And then once you get really good at that, there's a whole host of
Speaker:problems that you encounter afterward that kind of modern techniques try to
Speaker:solve. Right. That's interesting. So so
Speaker:what was it, what was your thoughts
Speaker:when you first, like given that you were an NLP practitioner
Speaker:prior to the release of transformers and things like that, what was your initial thought?
Speaker:Because I'm curious because there's not a lot of people there are a
Speaker:lot of experts today that really kind of started a couple of years ago. No
Speaker:fault on them. They see where the industry is going. Totally understand it. But what
Speaker:was your thoughts? What was your thoughts when
Speaker:you when you first saw the attention all you need? The
Speaker:attention is all you need paper. So that would have been
Speaker:probably around the time I graduated college, around
Speaker:maybe a year or 2 after I took the course that I was just describing.
Speaker:So I I just started learning about, like, okay. Like, this is
Speaker:how, like, old school, quote unquote, like, embedding
Speaker:methodologies work. And the biggest takeaway that I got from those is that they work
Speaker:pretty well. They work pretty well for, like, a lots of different kinds of
Speaker:queries. And I think what the attention all you need paper did
Speaker:was it kinda helped you, understand how
Speaker:to rigorously create representations of text that
Speaker:generalize way better than, any sort of, like,
Speaker:normal, keyword based, bag of word based search methodology.
Speaker:And I think that at the time, I probably didn't
Speaker:grasp as much what impact the attention all you need paper would have on the
Speaker:field until we started getting embedding models that people could use really
Speaker:easily, like Roberta or Bert. And we're like, okay. Now we can do, like,
Speaker:multilingual search without any issue. Now we can represent,
Speaker:like, any sentence without keyword overlap when we
Speaker:wanna find some document that's interesting, without doing any
Speaker:additional work. Like, once those papers started hitting the scene, I think now we start
Speaker:seeing, like, okay, this is what attention is doing for us. This is what the
Speaker:ability to, like, contextualize our vector embeddings is doing for us.
Speaker:And now we can see what's kind of getting benefited there. But I think I
Speaker:think my, understanding of how beneficial that
Speaker:was kind of lagged until we started seeing these other models kind of hit. And
Speaker:I'm like, okay. Now I can kinda see why this is important and why, like,
Speaker:future and future models are gonna get better and better based on this architecture.
Speaker:Interesting. So so for those that don't know kind of and even I'm rusty on
Speaker:this. Right? Yeah. One of the things that was interesting about this was the in
Speaker:on this. Right? Yeah. One of the things that was interesting about this was the
Speaker:in first, appearance. What was it? You you just described it a
Speaker:minute ago, but it was something like the the prevalence of a word
Speaker:in a bit of text versus the lack of prevalence and how that
Speaker:metric becomes was very important in in
Speaker:I'll call it classical natural language processing.
Speaker:Right. So this is the idea that if you have words that co
Speaker:occur together in some document space, the meaning of those words are gonna be
Speaker:more similar than words that don't co occur in some other given document
Speaker:space. This is rooted in something called the
Speaker:distributional hypothesis, which is basically this idea and the other
Speaker:idea that, concepts cluster in in this type of
Speaker:space. So what what does that mean actually? Right? So if you have the word
Speaker:like hot dog, it's probably gonna be seen in a corpus that's
Speaker:near other food related words than it would be if you picked some
Speaker:other word like space or moon. And there's something we can
Speaker:learn from that relationship to infer the meaning of what that word
Speaker:is and how we can use that meaning of that word to learn about what
Speaker:other words are doing. So So this is kind of, like, the theoretical
Speaker:basis of, like, why we can represent words geometrically,
Speaker:with with a little bit of hand waving. But that's kind of the core idea.
Speaker:And attention kind of takes this a little further by allowing the
Speaker:representation of these tokens or words to be altered based
Speaker:on the words that occur in a given sentence. So you might have a
Speaker:word like does, like, does this mean something?
Speaker:You might say something like that. Or you might say, I saw some
Speaker:does in the forest. Both spelled exactly the same, but have
Speaker:completely different meanings based on their context. And if you used a
Speaker:traditional, maybe, bag of words model where you're just counting the
Speaker:words that occur in a given document and kind of creating a representation of what
Speaker:that document looks like based on the words that are composed in there, you're gonna
Speaker:overlap and conflict with the meaning of those of of the word
Speaker:does and does because they're spelled exactly the same. They might look
Speaker:exactly the same with this type of representation. But if you have a way of
Speaker:informing what that word means with its context, which is what attention
Speaker:allows us to do, then you can completely change how that's being
Speaker:represented in your downstream system, which allows you to do interesting things
Speaker:with with search. So that's kind of, like, the biggest benefit that's coming out of
Speaker:that type of methodology, and that kinda enables what is now known as
Speaker:semantic search and retrieval augmented generation and so on and so forth. I was gonna
Speaker:say, that sounds very it's almost like it was, like, the old pre
Speaker:that error, the vectorization of this and the distance in
Speaker:that vector in that geometric space. I guess
Speaker:we've been doing that for a lot longer than most people realize in in a
Speaker:sense. Yeah. I mean,
Speaker:looking through, indexes or document stores with some sort of
Speaker:vectorization has has has been,
Speaker:something that people have done, except instead of being dense vectors, which is, like,
Speaker:you have some fixed size representation that isn't necessarily interpretable
Speaker:to the human eye for some given query or document, it would
Speaker:be, like, the size of your vocabulary. So you think of, like, Wikipedia. You
Speaker:can find, like, every unique word on Wikipedia, and, like, that is gonna be how
Speaker:big your vector's gonna be. And every time you have a new document come in,
Speaker:a new article, somebody's kind of, like, wrote up and published to Wikipedia, like, you're
Speaker:representing that in terms of its vocabulary. But now instead of doing that, we
Speaker:have, like, this magical fixed sized box that allows us
Speaker:to represent chunks of text in a way that is
Speaker:extremely fascinating and abstract. And every time I think about it, it just, like, blows
Speaker:my mind, but that's kind of, like, the main kind of difference is the way
Speaker:we're representing that information and how compact compact that is and
Speaker:generalizable it has become. Yeah. That is, like, it it's almost
Speaker:like you're, you know correct me if I'm wrong, but, you know,
Speaker:creating these vectors, these large vector databases, right, with, you
Speaker:know, 10, 12,000 dimensions, right, of how these words
Speaker:are measured in relationship to others.
Speaker:It's almost as a consequence of training a large language
Speaker:model, you create a knowledge graph. Is that is that true? Is that really the
Speaker:case where, you know, like, you know, dog is most likely to be
Speaker:next to, you know, the word pet, you know, or
Speaker:it has the same distance. Is that I'm not
Speaker:explaining it right. No. No. No. You're you're on you're on the right track exactly.
Speaker:And I think this is, like, one of the most fascinating qualities
Speaker:of even, like, what people would consider, like, older
Speaker:embedding models is this idea that you can take, like, a training test that
Speaker:seems completely unrelated to the quality that you want in a downstream model,
Speaker:and it turns out that that actually achieves that quality. So, what you were referring
Speaker:to, Frank, is this idea that you might have, like, a sentence. You
Speaker:might have, like, I took my dog out on a walk, and you might say,
Speaker:okay. I'm gonna remove the word, walk, and I'm gonna have
Speaker:I'm gonna train some model that tries to predict what that word
Speaker:where I removed was. This is masked language modeling, which is this idea that you're
Speaker:kind of getting at of, like, okay, what are the words and how are they
Speaker:in relation to the other words in that sentence? And it turns out that if
Speaker:you, like, do this with, like, 100 of 1,000 of millions of sentences and
Speaker:words, in some corpus that is somewhat representative of
Speaker:how people, use human language, you can
Speaker:act you will get really good at this task, number 1, because you're training the
Speaker:model on that task exactly. But if you are training a neural
Speaker:network on that model, some intermediate layer representation
Speaker:in that model so somewhere in that set of matrix
Speaker:multiplications where you're turning this input sentence into some fixed size
Speaker:vector representation is gonna be a good representation
Speaker:of what that word or that token or that sentence is going to be.
Speaker:And the fact that that works is not intuitive. Right?
Speaker:The the fact that that works has been shown empirically, and it turns out that
Speaker:we can kind of do that and kind of have these models work really well.
Speaker:And nowadays, in addition to kind of doing that, which is what we would consider
Speaker:pretraining on some large corpus, we now fine tune those
Speaker:embedding models on specific tasks that are important to us
Speaker:for retrieval. Like, okay, we have this query or question we're
Speaker:asking. We have the set of documents that might answer this question or might
Speaker:not. We want a model that makes it so that the query's embedding and the
Speaker:document relevance embeddings are in the same vector space. So you're on the right track.
Speaker:That's, like, basically how these models are able to learn these things. I don't know
Speaker:if I would call them, graph representation, maybe a little bit
Speaker:of, being being pandactic on, like, use of words there because that can
Speaker:be a little bit, different how how you're organizing that information.
Speaker:But you can make the argument that the way that these large language models are
Speaker:representing information is a compressed form of, like, the giant dataset that they're
Speaker:trained on. And we don't actually know exactly, like, where that
Speaker:information lies inside that neural network. There's some research that's,
Speaker:like, trying to get at answering that question, But you could, for the sake of
Speaker:argument, be like, yeah. There's probably, like, a a a dog
Speaker:node somewhere in this neural network that knows a ton about dogs, and that's how
Speaker:we're able to kind of learn this information. That is the stuff that we don't
Speaker:exactly know. Interesting. Because, there was a really good
Speaker:video by 3 blue one brown, which you probably are I love that
Speaker:channel. Where he gives examples where, you know, famous historical
Speaker:leaders from Britain have the same distance
Speaker:from you change the country to Italy
Speaker:or the United States have the same kind of distance. So you can kind
Speaker:of infer I'm not saying that the AI it
Speaker:almost seems like this knowledge graph is also is also a byproduct
Speaker:of of of building this out. Like, the there's some
Speaker:type of encoding or semantic, I guess, is this is really what it is. Right?
Speaker:Like, that that you get with it. And, I wanna get
Speaker:your thoughts because yesterday, I I caught the part the
Speaker:first half of the Jetson Juan keynote at c s CES,
Speaker:which this you know, we're recording this on January 8th. Right? And one of the
Speaker:things that the video starts off with is, you know, the idea
Speaker:that tokens are kind of fundamental elements of
Speaker:knowledge. And I did a live stream where I'm like, well, I never really thought
Speaker:about it this way. Right? They're they're building blocks of knowledge or the pixels, if
Speaker:you will, of of of of knowledge. And I wanted to get your
Speaker:thoughts on that because, like, that kind of blew my mind and maybe I'm simple.
Speaker:I don't know. Maybe I'm not. But it all it seems like we've been kinda
Speaker:dancing around this idea where and now NVIDIA is really
Speaker:fully, you know, going all in on this, the idea that, you know,
Speaker:these are not, this isn't an AI system. It's a token factory
Speaker:or a token score. What are your what are your thoughts on that? I'm curious.
Speaker:So when I started learning about how, like, tokenization works
Speaker:and how we're able to kind of, like, basically build these
Speaker:models without having massive, massive vocabularies,
Speaker:it is it is pretty it it is pretty
Speaker:interesting to be, like, okay. Like, maybe maybe there's some,
Speaker:abstract notion of information that each token has that
Speaker:is being that is what the model is learning during training time. And then
Speaker:we're just combining these sets of information in order to kind of, like, understand
Speaker:what words mean or what documents mean, so on and so forth. Because when you
Speaker:look at how, tokenizers work and the size of the number of
Speaker:tokens for, like, maybe the English language or maybe, like, a really multilingual
Speaker:model like Roberta or multilingual e five large, they're a lot
Speaker:n the order of, like, maybe a:Speaker:,:Speaker:So it is kind of
Speaker:odd to think about whether those tokens
Speaker:themselves hold information that's readily interpretable for us. But I
Speaker:think that we've gotten so far with using
Speaker:systems that are just combining, the operations on top of
Speaker:these tokens in order to retrieve the information that these systems have learned, that there's
Speaker:definitely something important there. And I would love to, like, know
Speaker:exactly, like, what is happening when we're able to do that. The the
Speaker:heuristic that I like to use is, large
Speaker:language models are generally reflections of the training datasets that they've been trained on,
Speaker:and they're basically creating, like, really efficient indexes over that
Speaker:information. And sometimes those indices hallucinate. And the reason
Speaker:why is because we are when we ask, quote, unquote, what
Speaker:a question to a large language model or query a large language model, we
Speaker:are kind of conditioning that model, on a probability
Speaker:space where every token being generated after is
Speaker:likely to exist given the query or the context or whatever we're passing to
Speaker:it. And once you think about it that way, then it just feels like
Speaker:instead of thinking about what each of the tokens are doing, you're kind of just
Speaker:querying what the model has been trained on and what it will tell you
Speaker:based on what it, quote unquote, learned or knows.
Speaker:And then you can kind of run with that metaphor a lot and build systems
Speaker:on on top of that. That seems, much more actionable than thinking about,
Speaker:like, what each of the tokens are doing individually. Does that kinda make sense? No.
Speaker:That makes a lot of sense. I think the whole gestalt of it is what
Speaker:really makes it magical. Right? Like Yeah. You know, you can you
Speaker:can obviously, I I don't this is not this is not, like, the newest iPhone
Speaker:or whatever. But, you know, if you go through the the text auto complete,
Speaker:you can maybe make a sentence that sounds like
Speaker:something you would write. But much beyond that, it starts getting weird. In
Speaker:early generative AI was very much like that, particularly the images.
Speaker:Well, you know Don't like, yes. A 100%
Speaker:understand. I started learning about generative, text
Speaker:generation before we had instruction fine tune model. So are you
Speaker:familiar with, like, the concept of instruction fine tuning, Frank? I think I am,
Speaker:but I IBM slash Red Hat defines it one way. I would like to get
Speaker:your opinion. Yeah. So, this is the idea that
Speaker:you can train or fine tune large language models to follow
Speaker:instructions to complete tasks. So, before we had,
Speaker:like, models that could that we could just, like, ask questions of and just, like,
Speaker:receive answers directly, you had to craft text
Speaker:that would increase the probability that the document that you want to
Speaker:generate would happen. So if you wanted a story about, like, unicorns or something,
Speaker:you would have to start your query to the LLM as there
Speaker:once was, like, a set of unicorns living in the forest. Blah blah blah blah.
Speaker:And then it would just, like, complete sentence, just like a fancy version of autocomplete.
Speaker:Right. And that that's kind of, like, what we used to have, and that was
Speaker:pretty hard to work with. And then once researchers kinda cracked, like, wait a second.
Speaker:We can create a dataset of, like, instruction pairs and, like, document
Speaker:sets and fine tune models on them. And it turns out now we can just,
Speaker:like, ask models to do things, and they will do them. Whether or not
Speaker:those are correct is kind of the next part of the story. But getting to
Speaker:that point, it was, like, pretty interesting and pretty significant.
Speaker:Interesting. Interesting. When I think of
Speaker:fine tuning, I think of I think of
Speaker:primarily InstruqtLab, where you basically kinda have a
Speaker:LoRa layer on top of the base LLM doing
Speaker:that. Is that the same thing? Or is it kind of slightly
Speaker:it sounds like it's slightly nuanced. So the nuance there
Speaker:is that, one, though this the methodology that I'm
Speaker:describing is mostly dataset driven. So you have, like, your original LLM,
Speaker:and then you have, like, a new dataset that allows the LLM to learn a
Speaker:specific task. Or in this case, like, a generalized form of tasks,
Speaker:which is you have instruction, answer, user query,
Speaker:give it an instruction. Whereas in your case, you're kind of, like, adding another layer
Speaker:to the LLM and, like, forcing the LLM to learn all the new
Speaker:methodology inside that layer in order to accomplish a specific
Speaker:task. So that's kind of like what client cleaning ends up doing. So the other
Speaker:way there's multiple ways to do this, it seems. Right? Like, there there's that way
Speaker:we add the layer, but there's also kind of I hate the term prompt engineering
Speaker:because it's just so over overblown. But, like, giving it
Speaker:more context and samples. And now that the the token context
Speaker:window is large enough that you don't have to be well, if you wanna
Speaker:save money, you have to be very mindful of that. But if you're running it
Speaker:locally, like, doesn't really matter. Well, you could give it an example of
Speaker:let's just say you had I'm trying to think of a short story or a
Speaker:novel. I don't know. Let's pretend,
Speaker:Moby Dick was only a 100 pages. Right? I
Speaker:could give it that as the part of the prompt. Let's say write a sequel
Speaker:to this book based on what happens in this one. Is that what you're talking
Speaker:about? Were you kinda giving an example as part of the prompt? Or is there
Speaker:some and not part of the layer? Or some combination thereof? Or was some third
Speaker:thing entirely? So this would be like, what what
Speaker:you're describing is more like few shot learning, which is you gave kind of an
Speaker:example, and then you're, like, okay. Like, given these examples, can you do this other
Speaker:task this test that I've described on this unseen example? What I'm describing is
Speaker:kind of, like, slightly before that. So, like, before we had the ability to, like,
Speaker:give models examples, we had to, like, give them we have to
Speaker:create the ability to follow instructions. And then once you have the ability to
Speaker:follow instructions, you can be like, okay. Here are the instructions. Here's
Speaker:examples of correctly completing the instruction, now do the instruction.
Speaker:And that is the reason why that happens in that order is
Speaker:because first, you have, like, just, like, sequence completion, like,
Speaker:autocomplete. Then you have, like, okay, given this
Speaker:task given this set of instructions, just follow the instruction instead of,
Speaker:like, trying to do autocomplete. And then you have, okay, now you know how to
Speaker:follow instructions. I'm gonna give you a few data points in order to
Speaker:learn a new task. Now do this new task. So you're kind of,
Speaker:like, moving from a situation where you need tons and tons
Speaker:of data just to get the, sequence completion. And then you need
Speaker:a smaller set of data to, like, get the capability to follow instructions.
Speaker:And then you need a very, very, very small amount of data, like,
Speaker:maybe 3 points or 10 examples or 15 examples to complete kind of, like,
Speaker:a new task. So there's a lot of kind of nuance in, like, how
Speaker:modern LLMs are being used and how they're kind of trained and fine tuned, so
Speaker:on and so forth. And I think there's a lot of, like,
Speaker:important importance in, like, learning what what happened kind of
Speaker:before because the advancements have happened so quickly. It can be really hard to kind
Speaker:of differentiate, or, like, oh, why is why do models perform like this? Why
Speaker:do things kind of happen like that? And even though, prompt
Speaker:engineering has kind of, like, let's say, traveled through the
Speaker:hype cycle where people were, like, really excited about it, and then we're, like, this
Speaker:is not actually that interesting. Right. What's interesting is that,
Speaker:doing building a good RAG system or trivial augmented generation system,
Speaker:you really need to be good at prompt engineering in a sense
Speaker:because you're assembling the correct context for this model
Speaker:to answer some downstream question, And it's not
Speaker:intuitive how to assemble that context. So understanding, like, how are these
Speaker:models are trained, like, whether they can follow instructions, how good they are at
Speaker:doing so, how many examples of information they need in order to accomplish some task
Speaker:really affects how you build that knowledge base in order to help the
Speaker:model do some sort of new thing. Interesting.
Speaker:So RAG is obviously all the rage now.
Speaker:Yep. But there's also a relatively new because this this
Speaker:space changes rapidly. Like, I mean, I took 2 weeks off in December, and
Speaker:I feel completely disconnected from the cutting edge, you know.
Speaker:Because when I was watching the keynote from CES, and I'm like, wow. That's
Speaker:really cool. And I was texting, you know, slacking with a coworker, and he goes,
Speaker:oh, no. This is a retread of their, like, last keynote they did. Like
Speaker:and I'm like, okay. Wow. Blink and you missed
Speaker:something. So what
Speaker:you're describing the fine tuning, is that really what Raft is, where the
Speaker:idea that you have kind of retrieval augmented fine tuning, which I think is what
Speaker:the acronym stands for. Is that not I'm
Speaker:not familiar with how Raft works. So I don't wanna, like, kind of venture
Speaker:and guess without without knowing what it is. But do you remember, like, what context
Speaker:you encountered this in? Basically, it's the idea that
Speaker:it's the idea that you can fine tune the results. Sounds very
Speaker:similar to what you're doing, and I've haven't read the paper in a while.
Speaker:Back when I was a Microsoft MVP, like, you know,
Speaker:they had a Microsoft Research had the thing for their calls, and they
Speaker:were all raving about it. The paper had just come out and things like that.
Speaker:It's the idea that you can kind of give it pretrained examples.
Speaker:You start with a base LLM, and you give it pre trained examples, and then
Speaker:you add on top of just to retrieve an
Speaker:augmented portion of it. It's very similar, not to
Speaker:plug my you know, for my day job. I work at Red Hat. That's why
Speaker:there's a fedora there. We have a product called Rel
Speaker:AI, which is based on an upstream open source project called instruct
Speaker:lab. And it's the idea similar idea in that you you you
Speaker:basically give it a set of data.
Speaker:And then you we there's a there's a little more to it because there's a
Speaker:teacher model. And basically what it'll do is it will and synthetic data generation.
Speaker:So you can start with a modest document set.
Speaker:And based on how the questions and answers that you
Speaker:form and the the the,
Speaker:the taxonomy that you attach to it, it will
Speaker:create a LoRa layer on top of an existing LLM.
Speaker:And it it could be that it's it's it's not quite exactly the same as
Speaker:Raft, but it's definitely in the same direction. Same same thing as, like, Bert, Elmo,
Speaker:and, you know, Roberta, which, I think
Speaker:I think I understand. So it's kind of like you so the I think the
Speaker:problem that might be addressing is kind of just really similar to the problem that
Speaker:traditional RAG tries to address, except in a more kind of deliberate fashion
Speaker:Exactly. Yeah. Where you have some document store internally. Like, let's say we
Speaker:both work at some company, and we have a giant customer support document store.
Speaker:You take some LLM off the shelf. It's not necessarily gonna know the
Speaker:contents of your internal kind of documents. So how can you get
Speaker:it to, like, successfully help answer tickets or triage tickets that
Speaker:you're trying to build, so that you can answer, like, most difficult tickets and
Speaker:kind of work toward that. In this situation, maybe you
Speaker:want to, inject some of the knowledge of
Speaker:the documents in addition to having the
Speaker:model being able to search over the document store. So maybe, like, the what this
Speaker:lower layer is doing is, like, absorbing Yeah. Some of the knowledge from the
Speaker:document store so that you can kind of more
Speaker:efficiently query, the database and so
Speaker:that you don't have to, like, query it all the time. The only,
Speaker:issue, quote, unquote, I'd have with that method is that you'd have to, like, keep
Speaker:that updated from time to time, and that's, like, not that's nontrivial. Whereas
Speaker:if you just do, like, traditional RAG, you just need to
Speaker:update your, Vector Store, and then you can just have the model
Speaker:query that new information when you need to. But, you know, it's always best to
Speaker:use whatever solution works best for your, given use case.
Speaker:And experimenting with different use cases is always really important. But I imagine that's, like,
Speaker:kind of what that is trying to address, which is the That is basically it.
Speaker:The I, you know, I don't wanna go down that rabbit hole of that. But
Speaker:but, basically, the idea is that, if
Speaker:you train an LLM or you have a layer on top of an
Speaker:LLM that not only does retrieval from a source document
Speaker:store. Right? I think that's a pretty set pattern. But it also has a
Speaker:better understanding of your business, your industry, the jargon.
Speaker:Right. Right. Blah blah blah. Right? The idea is that the retrieval success
Speaker:rate will be higher. Now we're not publishing the numbers yet,
Speaker:but the research is still ongoing. But basically, it's a
Speaker:pretty substantial from what I've seen well, I haven't
Speaker:seen the actual numbers yet, but from what I've been told those numbers are by
Speaker:the researcher, that it is a it is a substantial improvement
Speaker:that is worth the, the juice is worth the squeeze in that in that regard.
Speaker:You're not and it's also computationally, you're not quite training the
Speaker:whole thing again. You're just kinda putting a new Instagram filter, so to
Speaker:speak, together on top of the base. So it definitely
Speaker:does it definitely does some things. Now when we get the hard
Speaker:numbers, then, you know, I mean, I can
Speaker:say them publicly, then I think we'll we'll know is the juice how
Speaker:much does the the the the squeeze to juice ratio is?
Speaker:But, I can confidently say publicly now, like, there's a there
Speaker:there. Yeah. And, you know, we'll have those numbers soon
Speaker:enough. But it's it's interesting because you're right. I mean, this paper
Speaker:came out in:Speaker:explosion of these different mechanisms. You mentioned Bert. You mentioned Roberta.
Speaker:Fun fact, my wife's name is Roberta. So that was kind of fun.
Speaker:There was Elmo. There was Ernie. There was a whole Sesame
Speaker:Street themed zoo of of model
Speaker:types. That seems to have kind of that branching out of
Speaker:those different directions has seemed to have stalled, and we're going into more of
Speaker:these retrieval augmented generation systems. So for those who because
Speaker:not everybody on our listeners know exactly what retrieval
Speaker:augmented systems are. Could you give kind of a a
Speaker:level 200 elevator explanation? Sure.
Speaker:So, when you speak to a modern chatbot,
Speaker:what's happening is that they've learned information through their pre
Speaker:training processes, the large corpus of basically the entire Internet,
Speaker:and are generating information based on the query that you're passing in.
Speaker:The problem that often occurs is that
Speaker:these AI models might error, and the error could
Speaker:be making, inform making information up that doesn't
Speaker:exist. For example, if a model is trained before a period of time,
Speaker:like, it might not know about that period of time, which is which happens more
Speaker:often than you think. The information could be false, untruthful, or it could
Speaker:just be incorrect in a way that's not, like, bad, but still not
Speaker:helpful. And the reason for this is the way that these
Speaker:models are accessing that information. The idea behind retrieval
Speaker:augmented generation is that instead of having the model try
Speaker:to, generate the correct document or the correct
Speaker:response given its pretraining process, you instead
Speaker:add factual content to the query that you're asking
Speaker:the model for. You first search for that content, which is where
Speaker:the retrieval part comes, and then you augment the generation of what that
Speaker:model is going to create based on that content, hence
Speaker:retrieval augmented generation. There's usually, a querying
Speaker:step. So you take in a user query, you hit it against some sort
Speaker:of database, usually a vector database. In our case, it could be Pinecone.
Speaker:You find a set of relevant documents. You pass that to the generating LLM.
Speaker:The generating LLM uses those documents to generate a final
Speaker:response. And it turns out that if you do this, you can reduce the right
Speaker:hallucinations. And that makes sense because if the model was given true
Speaker:information and then conditioned its generation on that information, it
Speaker:follows that the probability of generating information that is
Speaker:correct could be higher. That's a good exam that's a good
Speaker:explanation. So you're basically giving it a
Speaker:crash course in what documents you care about. Right? Like
Speaker:Exactly. Interesting. And that's a good segue
Speaker:because you work for Pinecone. So so tell me about Pinecone. What is Pinecone?
Speaker:Yeah. So Pinecone is a, knowledge layer for AI. It's
Speaker:kind of like the way we like to describe it. We the main product that
Speaker:we provide is a vector database. So this is a way of storing
Speaker:information, information that has been vectorized, in a really
Speaker:efficient manner. And it turns out that if you have the ability to store information
Speaker:in this manner, you can search against it really quickly, with
Speaker:low latency and to find the things that you need to find really interesting for
Speaker:these types of semantic search and rag systems. Pinecone has a few other
Speaker:offerings now that kind of help people build these systems a lot easier. There's
Speaker:Pinecone Inference, which lets you embed data in order to do that querying
Speaker:step. Pinecone Assistant, which lets you just build a RAG
Speaker:system immediately just by upsurting documents into our vector database,
Speaker:so on and so forth. But the reason why, like, you
Speaker:need a vector database is because all of this advance of
Speaker:semantic search of embedding models. People have gotten really, really
Speaker:good at representing chunks of information using these dense sized
Speaker:vectors. But once you have 1,000, millions,
Speaker:even billions of vectors across tons of different users, you need a way
Speaker:of indexing this information to access it really quickly at
Speaker:scale, especially if your chatbot's gonna be querying this vector database really
Speaker:often. And so having a specialized data store that can handle that type
Speaker:of search becomes really useful. That's why Pinecone is here, and that's
Speaker:why we exist. Interesting. Interesting.
Speaker:One of the other interesting things from your bio, aside from
Speaker:the the the origami,
Speaker:Tell me about this. So so you
Speaker:your crew does your do you create the YouTube videos, or do you use your
Speaker:tools, or is it something completely it's just part of your job as a developer
Speaker:advocate? So it is just part of my job as a
Speaker:developer advocate. Oh, okay. Like, often that, you
Speaker:know, I do that because we are interviewing people or because there's a new
Speaker:concept we wanna teach people, so on and so forth. Or we do a webinar,
Speaker:and we just upload it to YouTube. Oh, very cool. Very cool.
Speaker:Yeah. I started my career in developer
Speaker:advocacy. One was called evangelism. So I was a a Microsoft
Speaker:evangelist for a while. So yeah. Yeah. Cool. YouTube
Speaker:is very important. Yep. But it's
Speaker:also it's also, I think, speaks to how people learn,
Speaker:but, how people learn. YouTube University is very
Speaker:real. Right? And Yep. You know, not not a knock on
Speaker:traditional schools, not a knock on traditional publishing, but this space
Speaker:is moving so fast that if it weren't for YouTubers like 3blueonebrown
Speaker:I think his real name is, Grant Sanderson. I think that's his real name.
Speaker:Somebody will send me hate mail if I get it wrong. But,
Speaker:he he is, like, really good at explaining these
Speaker:really abstract mathematical concepts. And
Speaker:unlike you, I didn't study math undergrad. I didn't I mean, I had to. I
Speaker:only took the requirements. Right? But I have comp sci degrees. So, like, for me
Speaker:to kind of fall in love with math again or for the first time, depending
Speaker:on depending on how you wanna say that, for me, that
Speaker:was very helpful. And under having an understanding of this, if you're a data engineer
Speaker:and, you know, or wanna get into this space, it's
Speaker:definitely vector databases for traditional kinda SQL kinda
Speaker:RDBMS person will look very awkward at first. But
Speaker:I know a lot of people that have made the transition, and they kinda love
Speaker:it. Right? Because in a lot of ways, it's way more efficient,
Speaker:than, I dare say, traditional data stores. But when you're
Speaker:processing the large blocks of text, it's really good for kind of
Speaker:parsing through that. But
Speaker:that's that's really cool. So, we do have the preset
Speaker:questions if you're good for doing those. I'll put them in the chat in case
Speaker:you don't have them. Sure. They're not brain teasers
Speaker:or anything like that. They are pretty basic of,
Speaker:questions, and I will paste them in the chat.
Speaker:So the first question is, how did you find your way into
Speaker:AI? Did you did you find AI, or did
Speaker:AI find you? So this is a little bit of a
Speaker:crazy story, but AI definitely found me.
Speaker:So when I was in college, when I was looking for my 1st
Speaker:internship, I couldn't find any internships, basically, because I had, like, no
Speaker:previous experience in working at tech or anything like that. And,
Speaker:the first company I worked for, Speeko, took a chance on me because they were
Speaker:building public speaking, tools to kind of help people learn how to do
Speaker:public speaking better, for an iOS app. And I had some
Speaker:public speaking experience. They were, like, close enough. We'll have you come on and kind
Speaker:of help us, like, work work things out. And while I was there, it was
Speaker:made very obvious to me how important building
Speaker:very basic deep learning systems and AI systems to kind
Speaker:of accomplish really specific tasks that could help serve an
Speaker:ultimate goal. Like, what we were trying to do is just, like, see how many
Speaker:filler words people are using or how quickly or slowly you were speaking.
Speaker:And that requires a lot of, complicated
Speaker:processing because you have to do transcription and because you have to figure out what
Speaker:words are being said, so on and so forth. So kind of experiencing that and
Speaker:seeing that firsthand really opened my eyes to how powerful
Speaker:had been even back in, like,:Speaker:since then, I started learning more and more and more about statistics,
Speaker:AI, natural language processing through my internships,
Speaker:learning more complicated problems, reading research papers, so on and so forth.
Speaker:And I got to where I am now. A lot of where I learned is
Speaker:just out of pure curiosity. Just like, okay. There's this new thing. I wanna learn
Speaker:about it. That's where I wanna be. And that's kind of how I fell into
Speaker:large language models and AI, just by wanting to learn about what was going to
Speaker:happen and then eventually being there. So it definitely found me. I was
Speaker:not looking for it. Didn't even know I liked statistics until I started doing
Speaker:statistical modeling. And I was like, wait. This is really fun. I wanna do a
Speaker:lot more of this. I wanna learn a lot more of this. And I knew
Speaker:that, once I was in college and I bought a statistics book for fun, and
Speaker:I was like, okay. I'm I'm past the point of no return. Like, this is
Speaker:definitely Right. Right. Right. Right. That that might be one of the first times in
Speaker:history that that's been said. Right. Because I I learned statistics for
Speaker:fun. I I took stats in college.
Speaker:I hated it. Hated every minute of it. But
Speaker:when I got into data science,
Speaker:I the first two weeks were not fun. I'm not gonna lie. Yep. But
Speaker:just like the VI editor, once you stick with it,
Speaker:Stockholm syndrome kicks in, And you start loving
Speaker:it. That's cool. 2, what's your favorite
Speaker:part of your current gig? The favorite part of my
Speaker:current job is being able to learn interesting,
Speaker:fun, even complicated things in data science and AI,
Speaker:and figuring out how to communicate them to a wide
Speaker:audience. It's a really fun challenge. It's really similar to, like,
Speaker:what, 3 blue one brown does all the time on the YouTube channel, and it's
Speaker:something that I get to learn and practice and keep keep doing. That's the best
Speaker:part of the job. I love learning things and, like, teaching other people about them
Speaker:and learning even more things. And the fact that I have an opportunity to do
Speaker:that every single day is, like, the best. That's cool. That's
Speaker:cool. We have 3 complete sentences. When I'm
Speaker:not working, I enjoy blank. When I'm
Speaker:not working, I enjoy, baking sweet treats and
Speaker:goods. I can't have any dairy. So very often, I had to kind
Speaker:of give up a lot of the cakes and desserts that I loved eating when
Speaker:I was younger. So now I, like, spend my time trying to figure out how
Speaker:I can make them again without dairy so they taste really good. So that's that's
Speaker:something I enjoy I really enjoy doing. Very cool.
Speaker:Next, complete the sentence. I think the coolest thing in technology
Speaker:today is blank. I
Speaker:thought really hard about this question because we're living in a
Speaker:crazy time of technological development. But the thing that really
Speaker:stuck out to me and the thing that was also the moment for me
Speaker:when I started working with, like, chatbots and LLMs was code
Speaker:generation models. The first time I learned how to
Speaker:use, GitHub Copilot specifically, I
Speaker:was I was completing some function, and it completed it before I was done typing
Speaker:it. And I was like, what the heck? This is amazing. Like, this this this
Speaker:actually figured out exactly what I needed. And because I was still, like,
Speaker:a budding developer, it was extremely helpful because I could learn
Speaker:faster rather than having already a huge kind of store knowledge already in my
Speaker:brain and kind of pulling from that. So I could see it benefiting my workflow.
Speaker:So I think the development of those tools and modern tools like
Speaker:Cursor, so on and so forth, extremely cool. And I can't wait to
Speaker:see, like, what the next generation of those technologies will look like. Yeah. I
Speaker:mean, that's a that's a great example. It's almost like you don't
Speaker:ed, you know, the the classic:Speaker:that. It's almost like you can leverage the AI to take on the
Speaker:lion's share of the:Speaker:have to put in some reps, but not to the degree that you used to.
Speaker:No. I think that's gonna be very transformative. I mean, I mean, I'm
Speaker:learning, JavaScript and Next. Js on the side because it's something I have no
Speaker:experience in. Right. And I was able to build my personal website
Speaker:entirely through using Cursor and Progression. Nice. I
Speaker:often check that out. Which is insane. Right? Which is, like, really, really
Speaker:fascinating. And and I'm not gonna claim to, like, suddenly be an expert in
Speaker:NextGen or anything like that. Right? Right. Right. Right. I still wanna learn, like, exactly
Speaker:what's going on under the hood, But having a project that you can kind of,
Speaker:like, tinker on that's, like, pretty small in scale and that you can kind of
Speaker:afford to make a few mistakes on and having, like, an expert system kind of
Speaker:help you go through that, expert, quote, unquote, being close enough, really cool
Speaker:learning experience. No. That's a great way to put it because, like, I I
Speaker:I don't have any apps on the modern devices. Right? Like,
Speaker:so, it would be nice if I
Speaker:had an Android app that could kick off some automation process that I have.
Speaker:Right? Or do some kind of tie in with, you know, Copilot
Speaker:into that or things like that. Like, where, you know, I
Speaker:originally wrote a content automation system I wrote. I originally wrote in
Speaker:dotnet, but I ported it to Python with the help of
Speaker:the help of AI. And I could well, that's just it. Right?
Speaker:It really the true valuable resource in in life is
Speaker:time. Right? Yes. It's not Yes. I mean, I could have done it by hand.
Speaker:I could have done it by myself, but it was one of those things where
Speaker:am I gonna do it because it's gonna take x number of hours or whatever?
Speaker:But if I can just kinda here's the dot net version that I, you know,
Speaker:I posted. This is before there was Copilot, so I pasted it into chat g
Speaker:p t. And it basically spit out a Python
Speaker:version, had some errors. You know, this was a while ago. But I
Speaker:was able to, inside of a day, get it done as opposed to
Speaker:before. Like, I know how my ADD works. Right? Like, I'll start it.
Speaker:First 3 days, working on it, grinding on it, and then
Speaker:I don't touch it again for 2 weeks. And it never gets built. But
Speaker:with this, I'm able to kinda harness the the spark of
Speaker:inspiration and and execute much faster. Now I think I don't think
Speaker:people fully realize, like, you know, it's not all doom and gloom. Nobody's
Speaker:gonna have any programming jobs. There's a lot of upside too. And I
Speaker:guess that's just where we are in the hype cycle. As you said.
Speaker:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That's a good segue into I look forward to
Speaker:the day when I can use technology to blank. I look
Speaker:forward to the day where I can use technology to get a high quality
Speaker:education on any subject for free. So Nice.
Speaker:Free education is really important to me. A lot of
Speaker:what I learned about large language models, deep learning, all that
Speaker:stuff was online courses that I took for free on places like
Speaker:EDX, Coursera, so on and so forth. Or people sharing
Speaker:articles and kind of learning from them, or YouTube videos, or all that sort of
Speaker:things, in addition to my education. But there's a lot of things you kinda have
Speaker:to learn after that. Right? And I think that especially with, like,
Speaker:cogeneration models, it's, like, very easy to be, like, okay. Build me this app
Speaker:and, like, just make it work. And you can sit there for a couple hours,
Speaker:and it'll, like, work. But I think the missing piece is
Speaker:creating a structured kind of learning path that's, like,
Speaker:personalized to whoever you are for the
Speaker:thing that you're really interested in with the context of
Speaker:having, like, these tools that can help you do that thing. And I'm not sure
Speaker:if we have anybody or any offering that can
Speaker:kind of do that technologically, because you need a lot of information about what the
Speaker:user knows or doesn't know. You need to be able to create ability, and then
Speaker:you need to be able to kind of create, like, an entire mini course that's
Speaker:personalized to whatever that person needs. But if we can do that, we can solve
Speaker:so many wonderful problems. Absolutely. I'm
Speaker:thinking about special education needs and things like that. I don't think we're that
Speaker:far off from this. No. But I
Speaker:the biggest issue, is going to be just hallucinations. Right? And,
Speaker:hopefully, people can build, like, rag systems using tools like PineCone to kind
Speaker:of produce those hallucinations. But we will also for for something like
Speaker:that specific use case, we probably need, like, another breakthrough in
Speaker:indexing information or kind of presenting it, or we need a process that
Speaker:really allows people to create this information quickly
Speaker:and verifiably in order to kind of make that happen. But if if that is
Speaker:a future that we can live in, where technology can can kind of, like, help
Speaker:people learn, like, really important things really well, that would be
Speaker:wonderful. And I think that would be, like, amazing for for humanity.
Speaker:Oh, absolutely. Share something different
Speaker:about yourself, but remember as a family podcast.
Speaker:One of my favorite hobbies for about a decade is
Speaker:designing and folding origami. And it's really fun.
Speaker:It's very easy, but it's also very hard. There's a lot
Speaker:of comp complexity inside it as well. One thing people
Speaker:don't know about that is that there's a lot of mathematical complexity.
Speaker:So once you get to a point where you wanna design a model with
Speaker:really specific qualities, really specific features, it suddenly
Speaker:becomes a paper optimization problem where you
Speaker:have, like, a fixed size square, and you have different
Speaker:regions of that paper that you're allocating to portions of the model you're
Speaker:designing. And it turns out that there are entire mathematical
Speaker:principles and procedures to solve this problem. So much
Speaker:so that one of the leading, like, practitioners in the
Speaker:field is, like, this physicist who wrote a textbook on how to do origami design,
Speaker:and that's, like, the textbook everyone looks at. So, like, learn how to solve it.
Speaker:Yeah. I'm not surprised. There's definitely there's definitely a a correlation
Speaker:between the mathematics of that. And I look at origami creations, and I
Speaker:just fascinated that could be done from a single sheet. Like, it's
Speaker:just how is that I mean, that's just mind bending. Now it's
Speaker:and and makes sense that there's a mathematical because you have a certain type of
Speaker:constraint, And there's obviously
Speaker:folds factor into it and things like that. And, yeah, that's that's
Speaker:interesting. I I should what's the name of that book? I should pick it up.
Speaker:It's called Origami Design Secrets. Got it. Alright. I will check
Speaker:it out. So where can people learn more about
Speaker:you and Pinecone? Of course. You wanna learn more about Pinecone? The
Speaker:best place is our website, pinecone. Io. You can also find
Speaker:us on LinkedIn and on x and other social media platforms.
Speaker:You wanna learn more about me? You can go to my LinkedIn, which you can
Speaker:find at Arjun Girthi Patel, or you can go to my website, which is also
Speaker:my name, arjun, k I r t I p
Speaker:a t e Cool. And we can also check out your
Speaker:Next JS skills there too. Exactly. Hopefully, nothing is
Speaker:broken, but, you can you can see you can see how well I've gotten by
Speaker:with the Awesome. Trust me.
Speaker:JavaScript alone is is a is a frustration
Speaker:creation device.
Speaker:Audible sponsors the podcast. Do you do audio books? Is there a book that you
Speaker:would recommend? I do do audiobooks, but I've just
Speaker:started recently, so I don't have a huge, audiobook library. But
Speaker:there is I I am a huge fan of short story collections, and
Speaker:kind of the one that comes to mind is really anything by Ted
Speaker:Chiang, who does a lot of kind of sci fi short stories. If you've seen
Speaker:the movie Arrival, the short story based on that is story of your life,
Speaker:and it's wonderfully written. It's one of my favorite short stories ever.
Speaker:Yep. So highly recommend that. I believe the collection is
Speaker:called, story of your life and others, something like that. So
Speaker:Oh, interesting. Careful with audiobooks. They are very
Speaker:addictive. So,
Speaker:with Audible is a sponsor of the show. So if you go to the data
Speaker:driven, you'll get routed to Audible and
Speaker:you'll get a free book on us. And if you
Speaker:choose to subscribe, we'll get a little bit of kickback. It helps run the show
Speaker:and helps, helps us bring, bring some good stuff to to
Speaker:the masses. So any any parting thoughts?
Speaker:No. But thank you so much for having me on, Frank. This was a ton
Speaker:of fun. I learned a lot from you, and I hope I I helped you
Speaker:learn one one small thing as well. Absolutely. It was it was
Speaker:a great conversation, and, we'll let the nice British lady finish the
Speaker:show. And that's a wrap for this episode of Data Driven, where we
Speaker:journeyed from the intricacies of vector databases to the surprising
Speaker:elegance of origami. A huge thank you to Arjun Patel for
Speaker:sharing his insights on retrieval augmented generation and his passion
Speaker:for making AI accessible to all. From turning raw data
Speaker:into actionable knowledge to turning paper into art, Arjun
Speaker:proves there's beauty in both precision and creativity. If today's
Speaker:episode left you curious, inspired, or just itching to fold a
Speaker:piece of paper into something meaningful, be sure to check out
Speaker:Arjun's work and Pinecones innovative tools. Remember,
Speaker:knowledge might be power, but sharing it makes you a force to be reckoned
Speaker:with. As always, I'm Bailey, your semi sentient guide to
Speaker:all things data. Reminding you that while AI might shape our
Speaker:future, it's the human touch or sometimes the paper fold that
Speaker:gives it meaning. Until next time, stay curious,
Speaker:stay analytical, and don't forget to back up your data.