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Exploring Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science

*DataScienceDaily* Teaching AI to Spot Lung Cancer, Inference Made Simple, and How Much Data Does a Self-Driving Car Create in a Day?

Data Science Daily Story Links

  1. @gp_pulipaka Training AI To Spot Lung Cancer. #BigData #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #HealthTech #Cancer
  2. @kdnuggets Inference Made Simple – Applying the reasoning power of GRAKN.AI to find new #knowledge about the world  #DataScience
  3. @jenstirrup @makeurdatawork Nice summary of #DeepLearning and #MachineLearning:  #BigData #DataScience via @kirkdborne
  4. @DeborahTannon #DataScience — The Best Approach to Decision Making Combines Data and Managers’ Expertise :
  5. @DataLiterati Wow. Each day you drive an #autonomous car (assuming 1hr/day), it generates 4TB. #bigdata #datascience #sensors #iot


About the author, Frank

Frank La Vigne is a software engineer and UX geek who saw the light about Data Science at an internal Microsoft Data Science Summit in 2016. Now, he wants to share his passion for the Data Arts with the world.

He blogs regularly at and has a YouTube channel called Frank's World TV. (www.FranksWorld.TV). Frank has extensive experience in web and application development. He is also an expert in mobile and tablet engineering. You can find him on Twitter at @tableteer.