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Exploring Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science

Diving into Re:Invent 2023: Open Sourcing Dingo and Being in the Top 2.5 Percent

In this jam-packed episode, hosts Frank and Andy delve into a wide range of topics, from the chaos of podcast scheduling and the allure of Cyber Week deals, to the behind-the-scenes world of data engineering and AI professionals.

Join us as we journey through the challenges of podcasting, the important roles of data engineers, and the potential open sourcing of Dingo, an innovative blogging automation tool. Along the way, the hosts share personal anecdotes, discuss legislative impacts, and even touch on cult-followed gas stations.

You won’t want to miss this delightful, informative, and always data-driven episode!

Show Notes

00:00 Glamorous world of podcasting and Microsoft Bookings.

13:48 Privacy laws are spreading globally, impacting data sovereignty.

27:14 Funny moment at Dunkin’ Donuts sparks creativity.

32:27 Importance of data engineering in AI projects.

49:38 Struggling with hearing loss, amplifiers magnify all sounds.

01:02:45 Emotions on camera, times sidetrack, sarcastic leadership.

01:07:32 Excited to hang out at the mall.

01:21:04 Considering discontinuing blog after reaching 100 posts.

01:25:18 Wants to shift focus to new projects.

01:37:09 Transition from long-form to short-form content.

01:49:50 Drove up to Jersey for Christmas, reminisced.

01:58:48 Concerns about coastal development and zoning enforcement.

About the author, Frank

Frank La Vigne is a software engineer and UX geek who saw the light about Data Science at an internal Microsoft Data Science Summit in 2016. Now, he wants to share his passion for the Data Arts with the world.

He blogs regularly at and has a YouTube channel called Frank's World TV. (www.FranksWorld.TV). Frank has extensive experience in web and application development. He is also an expert in mobile and tablet engineering. You can find him on Twitter at @tableteer.