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Exploring Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science

Buck Woody on TDSP, MOOCs, Applied Data Science, and Big Data

In this episode, Frank and Andy talk to Buck Woody of Microsoft.

Warning: This show contains lots of laughter!


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Buck’s blog: Backyard Data Science

Notable Quotes:

TDSP – Team Data Science Process  ([6:30])
MOOC – Massive Online Open Course – “democratizing intelligence” ([7:20])
Buck’s a “warrant officer” [Applied Data Scientist] ([15:40])
How Data Scientists are like your significant other… ([18:00])
BI and Data Mining are *not* the same thing. ([20:30])
Buck’s Data Science technology Matryoshka Dolls analogy ([22:22])
Movie reference: Office Space ([25:30])
“No. And fix the bridges.” ([27:15])
“… as long as we’re not recoring this or anything…” ([28:00])
Buck does *not* answer my question about how to manage meetings! ([30:30])
Buck loves Andy’s car. ([33:45])
“Big data was invented to process my HR file.” ([34:45])

About the author, Data Driven Team

The Data Driven team is the dynamic duo of Frank La Vigne and Andy Leonard.

Frank La Vigne is a software engineer and UX geek who saw the light about Data Science at an internal Microsoft Data Science Summit in 2016. Now, he wants to share his passion for the Data Arts with the world.

Andy Leonard is a self-described Data Philosopher who literally lives in Farmville. No, not the game, the actual town. He slings code and manages data.