Buck Woody on TDSP, MOOCs, Applied Data Science, and Big Data

In this episode, Frank and Andy talk to Buck Woody of Microsoft.
Warning: This show contains lots of laughter!
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Buck’s blog: Backyard Data Science
Notable Quotes:
TDSP – Team Data Science Process ([6:30])
MOOC – Massive Online Open Course – “democratizing intelligence” ([7:20])
Buck’s a “warrant officer” [Applied Data Scientist] ([15:40])
How Data Scientists are like your significant other… ([18:00])
BI and Data Mining are *not* the same thing. ([20:30])
Buck’s Data Science technology Matryoshka Dolls analogy ([22:22])
Movie reference: Office Space ([25:30])
“No. And fix the bridges.” ([27:15])
“… as long as we’re not recoring this or anything…” ([28:00])
Buck does *not* answer my question about how to manage meetings! ([30:30])
Buck loves Andy’s car. ([33:45])
“Big data was invented to process my HR file.” ([34:45])