*DataScience Daily* A Gentle Intro to Machine Learning, The Hill on AI, and Network Visualization in R
Data Science Daily for Jun 20, 2017 Show Notes @DeepLearn007 Machine Learning: A gentle introduction #AI #machinelearning #bigdata #fintech #ML #tech http://rcardin.github.io/machine-learning/artificial-intelligence/2017/06/18/machine-learning-a-gentle-introduction.html … @AndySugs RT: @Rbloggers: Data Science Tool Market Share Leading Indicator: Scholarly Articles https://wp.me/pMm6L-Dz9 #rstats #DataScience @AmyxIoT It’s time for an intelligent conversation on artificial intelligence – The Hill (blog) https://goo.gl/K7Rl52 ArtificialIntelligence AI *DataPoint*…
*DataPoint* Automation Apocalypse Counterpoint: Real Time Donuts
Krispy Kreme is a chain of donut shops here in the US that originated in Atlanta. If you’ve ever been to a Krispy Kreme, then you’ve probably seen the machine that makes the donuts that’s embedded in most stores. It’s fascinating to watch them go from raw dough to tasty treat right before your eyes —…
*DataScienceDaily* for June 16, 2017 – Facebook Gets Bots to Negotiate, Word2Vec, and 25 Billion Simulated Galaxies
Data Science Daily Show Notes @BourseetTrading #Facebook #AI Enables #Bots to Negotiate, Compromise @facebook #FAIR #IoT #ML #analytics #bigdata http://www.news18.com/news/tech/facebook-ai-enables-bots-to-negotiate-compromise-1433135.html … @CNNnews18 @gcosma1 Word2Vec (skip-gram neural network model): PART 1 – Intuition by @ManishChablani https://medium.com/towards-data-science/word2vec-skip-gram-model-part-1-intuition-78614e4d6e0b … #DataScience #MachineLearning #NLP @Rbloggers Using Partial Least Squares to conduct relative importance analysis in Displayr https://wp.me/pMm6L-Dwv #rstats #DataScience @gp_pulipaka Revolutionary Supercomputer Code…
*DataScienceDaily* for June 15, 2017: AIG and IBM Implement Blockchain, How to Buy Data for Your Business and More
Data Science Daily Show Notes @MikeQuindazzi 51% of employers say #datascience and #analytics skills will be required for #marketing and #sales managers by 2020. http://pwc.to/2s8Evkp @RetweetedRajeev Researchers design AI system to assess pain levels in sheep. http://ow.ly/a2Rn30ctB1g #DataScience #MachineLearning #AI @gp_pulipaka AIG teams w/ #IBM to use #Blockchain for insurance policy. #BigData #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #InsurTech…