Mark Tabladillo on Ethics in AI, Changing Seasons, & Quantum Computing
*DataPoint* Did Google Make a Sentient AI?
Recent news reports have come out about how a Google AI engineer in the responsible AI group claims that an AI he was working on has become sentient. Is it true? Can we ever really know if someone or something is sentient? Links
*DataPoint* What If We Lie to the Machines?
*DataPoint* Talking About AI, Ethics, and Transparency at a Super Secret Event
*DataPoint* Andy Reflects on Data Collection in the Wake of Hurricane Florence
Hurricane Florence hit the US East Coast nearly seven weeks ago, yet the cleanup is on going and many people’s lives are still not back to normal. In this DataPoint, Andy talks about the importance to remembering that there are people behind the statistics and data we gather. Frank’s Thoughts: What prompted me to think…