Mark Tabladillo on Data Science Teams, Bots, Personhood, and Dancing

In this episode, Frank and Andy talk with Mark Tabladillo about data science teams, bots, personhood, dancing, education, math, digital and immigrants and natives, and movies (I, Robot and Passengers).
Microsoft Academy Data Science Certification
Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals
Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking
Jen Underwood’s website
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Sponsor: Enterprise Data & Analytics
Notable Quotes
No brakes on the F train. ([2:10])
On data munging ([15:00])
On MS certifications ([20:00])
Team Data Science (a github project) ([23:45])
The importance of math, engineering, and physics education ([26:00])
Frank, on math: “Kaboom” ([29:30])
On dancing ([36:30])
Digital Immigrants vs. Digital Natives ([39:30])
Rise of the Data Science bots ([42:45])
I, Robot movie reference ([44:30])
Passengers movie reference ([44:55])