Andy Leonard’s Excellent Data Adventure
RIP Brian Moran
How Data Found Frank La Vigne
Chris Wexler on Using AI to Protect the Vulnerable
In this second episode of the fifth season, Frank and Andy speak to Chris Wexler about using AI to protect the vulnerable. Speaking of which, I would like to advise you, dear listener, that this show touches on some sensitive areas, namely child sexual abuse materials. If you have little ears or sensitive persons within…
Dave Wentzel on Why You Don’t Need a Data Warehouse
In this episode of Data Driven, Frank and Andy chat with Philadelphia Microsoft Technology Center Data Architect Dave Wentzel on why you do not need a data warehouse. Also, Frank discusses leaving Microsoft, Frank and Andy talk about five seasons of Data Driven, and even BAILeY has a sentimental moment. Transcripts 00:00:00 BAILey Hello and welcome…