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Exploring Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science

This, Too, Shall Pass

This episode is entitled “This, Too, Shall Pass” and it was recorded Tuesday the eighth of September in this foul year of our Lord two thousand twenty.  Frank and Andy tend to wander off the old conversational trail.  But you knew that already.  Thanks for listening to the Data Driven podcast.  Visit us on the web…

*DataPoint* Did We Just Replace a Human with AI?

In this DataPoint, Frank examines whether or not the new AI voice over tech really replaced a human or did it open up new creative options instead? Transcript  Speaker 1  Hey, what’s up? It’s Frank here.  Speaker 1  From data driven the podcast where we explore the emerging fields of data science machine learning and…

Frank and Andy Go Quantum

Like Star Trek in the 90s we are creating a spin off series. The new show is called Impact Quantum and will focus on quantum computing. Additionally, Frank and Andy explain how they keep creating content despite having full schedules.

The 3 R’s of the 2020s: Robots, Retail, and Reskilling

In this episode Frank and Andy talk about the “three Rs” of the 2020s: robots, retail, and reskilling. Original live stream link: Transcription coming soon