Steve Orrin on the Importance of Hardware in AI Development

On this episode of Data Driven, the focus is on hardware from AI optimized chips to edge computing.
Frank and Andy interview Steven Orrin, the CTO of Intel Federal.
Intel has developed new CPU instructions to accelerate AI workloads, and FPGAs allow for faster development in custom applications with specific needs. The speaker emphasizes the importance of data curation and wrangling before jumping into machine learning and AI,
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00:01:59 Hardware and software infrastructure for AI.
00:07:18 AI benchmarks show importance of GPUs & CPUs
00:14:08 Habana is a two-chip strategy offering AI accelerator chips designed for training flows and inferencing workloads. It is available in the Amazon cloud and data centers. The Habana chips are geared for large-scale training and inference tasks, and they scale with the architecture. One chip, Goya, is for inferencing, while the other chip, Gaudí, is for training. Intel also offers CPUs with added instructions for AI workloads, as well as GPUs for specialized tasks. Custom approaches like using FPGAs and ASICs are gaining popularity, especially for edge computing where low power and performance are essential.
00:19:47 Intel’s diverse team stays ahead of AI trends by collaborating with specialists and responding to industry needs. They have a large number of software engineers focused on optimizing software for Intel architecture, contributing to open source, and providing resources to help companies run their software efficiently. Intel’s goal is to ensure that everyone’s software runs smoothly and continues to raise the bar for the industry.
00:25:24 Moore’s Law drives compute by reducing size. Cloud enables cost-effective edge use cases. Edge brings cloud capabilities to devices.
00:31:40 FPGA is programmable hardware allowing customization. It has applications in AI and neuromorphic processing. It is used in cellular and RF communications. Can be rapidly prototyped and deployed in the cloud.
00:41:09 Started in biology, became a hacker, joined Intel.
00:48:01 Coding as a viable and well-paying career.
00:55:50 Looking forward to image-to-code and augmented reality integration in daily life.
01:00:46 Tech show, similar to Halt and Catch Fire.
Key Topics:
Topics Covered:
– The role of infrastructure in AI
– Hardware optimization for training and inferencing
– Intel’s range of hardware solutions
– Importance of software infrastructure and collaboration with the open source community
– Introduction to Havana AI accelerator chips
– The concept of collapsing data into a single integer level
– Challenges and considerations in data collection and storage
– Explanation and future of FPGAs
– Moore’s Law and its impact on compute
– The rise of edge computing and its benefits
– Bringing cloud capabilities to devices
– Importance of inference and decision-making on the device
– Challenges in achieving high performance and energy efficiency in edge computing
– The role of diverse teams in staying ahead in the AI world
– Overview of Intel Labs and their research domains
– Intel’s software engineering capabilities and dedication to open source
– Intel as collaborators in the industry
– Importance of benchmarking across different AI types and stages
– The role of CPUs and GPUs in AI workloads
– Optimizing workload through software to hardware
– Importance of memory in memory-intensive activities
– Security mechanisms in FPGAs
– Programming and development advantages of FPGAs
– Resurgence of FPGAs in AI and other domains
Key Facts about the Speaker:
– Background in molecular biology bioresearch
– Transitioned to hacking and coding
– Started first company in 1995
– Mentored by Bruce Schneier
– Joined Intel in 2005
– Worked on projects related to antimalware technologies, cloud security, web security, and data science
– Transitioned to the federal team at Intel
On this episode of data driven Frank and Andy interview
Speaker:stephen Oren, the CTO of Intel Federal
Speaker:yes. Intel, the computer chip company. Because if you want
Speaker:to train your AI models in a reasonable amount of time, you need better
Speaker:hardware. Well, it turns out that intel has developed new
Speaker:CPU instructions to accelerate AI workloads
Speaker:FPGAs allow for faster development in custom
Speaker:applications with specific needs. Speaking of intel,
Speaker:you have to check out an upcoming intel and Red Hat webinar
Speaker:link in the show notes. Tell them Bailey sent you.
Speaker:Now on with the show.
Speaker:Hello and welcome to Data Driven, the podcast where we explore the emergent fields
Speaker:of data science, data engineering, and of course,
Speaker:artificial intelligence. As with me, I always have Andy
Speaker:Leonard, my most favorite data engineer in the world.
Speaker:And today we have a special guest, Steve Oren, who is the federal
Speaker:CTO of intel. Yes, that's right, intel, the chip
Speaker:company. And although they do a lot more stuff
Speaker:now. So welcome to the show, Steve.
Speaker:Thank you and glad to be here. Frank and Andy cool.
Speaker:So one of the things that I think people have not realized, people
Speaker:think that AI is a software story, right?
Speaker:Primarily. But quickly, once you get into it,
Speaker:everyone goes gaga for things like Chat GPT or
Speaker:well, no one's really gone gaga for Barred just yet. We're going to give that
Speaker:a few more time for the paint to dry on that.
Speaker:But quickly, I think when people start
Speaker:becoming builders of AI tools, the
Speaker:number one restriction, aside from kind of what your data engineering pipeline looks
Speaker:like, is how quick you can train these models. And
Speaker:obviously, I'm pretty sure intel has a thing or two to say about
Speaker:hardware. Absolutely. And as you've as you've
Speaker:alluded to AI, and all the things that make up
Speaker:AI rely heavily on the infrastructure that you're
Speaker:training you're inferencing. But even before you get to the fun stuff, how do you
Speaker:do the data curation? How do you suck in the data? The ingestion get the
Speaker:large multi node data sets that these large language models are
Speaker:trained against. There's a lot of hardware and infrastructure that has to make
Speaker:that happen. And then when you get to the important phase with how do
Speaker:you train those in a timely fashion, hardware is
Speaker:the answer. And what we're seeing in a lot of these spaces,
Speaker:especially we start looking at things like large language models and transformers
Speaker:as well as looking at other approaches that are coming out,
Speaker:is that not only does the hardware matter, but the type of hardware
Speaker:matters. If you think about it, it's not a one size
Speaker:fits all. It's a heterogeneous architecture to make sure you have the right
Speaker:hardware for your workload. One great example. So
Speaker:large language models in graph analytics requires not just
Speaker:heavy duty hardware but the right memory architecture to keep those nodes
Speaker:in place while you're training. And what you find is that often
Speaker:doesn't fit well. Intel just a classic GPU only kind of mode,
Speaker:which is what the classic AIS leveraged, just the sheer number
Speaker:of cores that you would have in a GPU. And so what we're seeing is
Speaker:optimizing the hardware for the kind of workload is the answer to getting
Speaker:timely training. And especially when you start doing more. That sort of iterative. And
Speaker:feedback training, it's not a one and done, it's an ongoing process. So you need
Speaker:that to be quick enough and powerful enough and robust enough to handle those
Speaker:workloads. And then the other side where hardware really starts to matter is on the
Speaker:inferencing, you want to be able to ask the question and get a response fairly
Speaker:quickly, if not near real time. If you're in a car and it's
Speaker:autonomous driving, you want it real time. You want to know that's a tree and
Speaker:not a shadow. If you're talking about online and doing some
Speaker:fun stuff with chat GBT, you still don't want to wait 20 minutes for your
Speaker:response. And so inferencing matters, training matters, and
Speaker:the kind of hardware and infrastructure that support it. And that's why intel
Speaker:and our ecosystem are looking at providing a
Speaker:heterogeneous set of architectures. So our classic CPU, so the Xeon and
Speaker:the server and CPU and the client core, but also FPGA
Speaker:based logic AI accelerators like our Habana chips in
Speaker:the cloud and our targeted edge AI
Speaker:chips like Movidius for video processing and the like. But then
Speaker:really, besides the hardware, it's that software infrastructure layer. How do you
Speaker:optimize your code? Because most AI developers are not hardware
Speaker:experts, nor do I want them necessarily to be. So a lot of it is
Speaker:about building out those abstraction layers that optimize your code, that's
Speaker:doing your hugging face or whatever, to take full advantage of the
Speaker:hardware underneath you, without you having to know what hardware is underneath you so
Speaker:that you can provision your workload where it needs to go and not have to
Speaker:worry about the hardware infrastructure. And that's part of our overall strategy. And working
Speaker:with the broader ecosystem, the open source community, the
Speaker:commercial providers, and the software frameworks to give them the
Speaker:tools to get the best performance out of their AI and their
Speaker:data science, right? And I think you hit the nail on the head. I
Speaker:think we're at an inflection point. Not so much in engineering,
Speaker:right, but more in the perception, right? Because whenever you think, oh,
Speaker:we have a large workload we got to do, let's throw some GPU at
Speaker:it, right? And it's a little more nuanced than that. I think
Speaker:people are finding out that you need more than just a
Speaker:bunch of GPU. And I was on a call
Speaker:and I want to get your thoughts on this, because he said something very similar
Speaker:to what you said. You ever have these moments
Speaker:when you're on a call and somebody smart says something, you're like, I don't know
Speaker:about that, right? And it's kind of like what they did
Speaker:in World War Z and where there was like the 10th Man Rule, where no
Speaker:matter how ridiculous it sounds at first, you kind of want to
Speaker:investigate it. And that's why I was glad when your
Speaker:name popped up in the feed because I'm like, yeah, I want to talk to
Speaker:you about this. Because he was basically saying that
Speaker:GPU usage is
Speaker:overrated and that where the real advantage is going to be
Speaker:is going to be in software acceleration and on
Speaker:CPU kind of optimization too, which sounds
Speaker:a lot like what you said. And when I first heard that, my first thought
Speaker:was, I don't know about that, but this guy's plugged in. He's a
Speaker:big shot at Red Hat, right? He's plugged in, he knows a lot. And I
Speaker:was like, I didn't want to just dismiss that. Like, if my cousin said that,
Speaker:I'd be like, yeah, okay, but if this guy says it,
Speaker:whether or not he's right, maybe yet to be determined,
Speaker:but the fact that he believes it means that there's a trail there to follow.
Speaker:So I've been kind of poking around at stuff. Tell me
Speaker:about that. It sounds like there's some weight
Speaker:behind that opinion. So Frankie, you hit it on
Speaker:the head there. It's not that GPUs aren't important, it's just GPUs
Speaker:aren't the only and best solution for all aspects of AI. And there are
Speaker:certain vendors that want, again, for a variety of reasons, want GPU to be the
Speaker:foundation for all of your AI activities. Like if you're a GPU based
Speaker:hardware company. Exactly makes sense. But
Speaker:when you actually go look at the benchmarks across multiple and here's the key thing,
Speaker:across multiple AI types. So different
Speaker:algorithmic models as well as the flow, so there's different stages. So the
Speaker:inference versus training, ingestion and curation
Speaker:versus the training, versus the feedback training, what you'll find is
Speaker:that GPUs will rock for certain things and they are important for certain things,
Speaker:both from that vendor as well as from a variety of other vendors. GPUs do
Speaker:play a key role, but when you look at the breadth of AI activities
Speaker:and the benchmarks associated, you actually find that a lot of really
Speaker:good work just happens on standard commercial off the shelf CPU. And
Speaker:actually most of the inferencing, I mean, we're talking in the 70% to 80%
Speaker:of inferencing happens best on CPU
Speaker:and areas like large language model and graph analytic based
Speaker:approaches. The numbers really show very
Speaker:clearly that it's not a core bound problem,
Speaker:it's a memory bound problem. And so having efficient in
Speaker:and out of memory, which is what you get from a CPU or an accelerator
Speaker:with ample memory on board, is actually much more powerful
Speaker:for training those types of data sets because the GPU you're dealing with that
Speaker:latency across the bus. And that actually starts to matter when you're
Speaker:talking about billions or trillions of node graph
Speaker:analytics. So I wouldn't say that GPUs
Speaker:are a dying breed. That is absolutely not the case. And there's going to be
Speaker:a huge market for GPUs or GPU like
Speaker:functionality. I want to be careful about that because you don't have to have a
Speaker:discrete card. The reality is you can have GPU capabilities embedded in your
Speaker:processor. We've already seen from intel and from other
Speaker:architectures. The real interesting thing is making sure that
Speaker:whatever your workload is can be optimized, like your friend said, optimized
Speaker:through software to that hardware. So that if you are
Speaker:running a large language model, that you're actually
Speaker:running it on the right hardware, and that the hardware and your software know how
Speaker:to work together to give you the best performance if you're working
Speaker:on. I'm seeing a lot of really cool things right now around graph based
Speaker:approaches in the memory intensive side of that
Speaker:and the switching back and forth between that. Those
Speaker:latencies can really come to bear when you're talking about cross bus
Speaker:kind of communication. So having high amount of memory available directly to
Speaker:the CPU to be able to do those training, keep all that data in flight
Speaker:so you can train, is going to be one of the key
Speaker:differentiators of how you can take those large angle models, apply them to
Speaker:more than just writing cool essays by Shakespeare.
Speaker:I think what we're going to see is things like chat, GPT, and that whole
Speaker:category of transformer based approaches applied to just about everything, not
Speaker:just chat, but prediction
Speaker:approaches. And it's really about getting it the training sets to become
Speaker:smart on those very vertical domains.
Speaker:That's going to be a resource intensive process and it's not going to be throwing
Speaker:a bunch of GPU or it's going to be a lot of cloud scaling and
Speaker:it's going to be a lot of memory intensive activities. And like your friend
Speaker:highlighted, the software is going to really matter, that it's taking full advantage
Speaker:of the hardware to get you those performance report. Well, this reminds me a
Speaker:lot of just patterns I've seen over the decades of
Speaker:being in computing as a hobbyist and then a profession
Speaker:is you see a lot of things come into the
Speaker:fore as being very monolithic, and then people
Speaker:realize, wait, that's really a team effort.
Speaker:And I think about it as a baseball team, right? You don't want to put
Speaker:the pitcher, the person who's skilled at pitching in center field, can they
Speaker:perform there? Well, gosh, yeah, but you're wasting them,
Speaker:right? They are tuned their whole body, their
Speaker:desires, their motivations. They love being pitchers.
Speaker:So put that person on the pitchers mound and you see this
Speaker:happen. And it's in all sorts of places. We saw it, frank and I have
Speaker:seen it over the years when the unicorns were the big
Speaker:deal, the data science unicorns who could do data engineering and everything
Speaker:that we've kind of broken out now into other fields.
Speaker:And we're seeing it now in the hardware
Speaker:and in the distribution of the separation of
Speaker:concerns and the distribution of concerns, getting every component to do
Speaker:what it's best at. And along with that, and I'll shut up after
Speaker:this, is this whole idea that it's moving so
Speaker:fast that the hardware that's going to perform
Speaker:the task first sometimes isn't even identified
Speaker:yet because some new approach popped into the equation. If
Speaker:somebody tested something and went, this is great. Now whether I run it
Speaker:and you just see that and it's on a scale now where it
Speaker:used to be measured in years and moved to months, it's now weeks
Speaker:and sometimes days. It's just amazing how fast this
Speaker:is going. And not that long ago, people were predicting
Speaker:an AI intel. Right.
Speaker:I think Dolly kind of and the whole generative artwork
Speaker:stuff, I think kind of like, wait a minute, there's something here. Then Dolly came
Speaker:out and then OpenAI did the one two punch of here's
Speaker:Dolly a couple of months later, here's Chachi BT. Now you're just seeing like
Speaker:it's on fire. Like it's not just AI summer, it's an AI heat
Speaker:wave. Yeah, exactly. It is. It's a full El
Speaker:Nino. I like that. That's the
Speaker:quotable, for sure.
Speaker:I think one of the things I think people realized is,
Speaker:and a lot of the thinking was that AI
Speaker:winter was coming because we're hitting processor or
Speaker:hardware kind of upper barriers. And I think we're
Speaker:finding out, I think much to what you said is that it's not just about
Speaker:throw this many GPUs at it. It's right. The entire story, the entire
Speaker:bus matters. Right. So the shortstop matters using the
Speaker:baseball analogy. Right. The outfielders. Right. You can't really win
Speaker:a lot of baseball games if not everybody on the team is
Speaker:playing at their best. Absolutely. And just to take that metaphor
Speaker:all the way, the turf matters, too. The infrastructure that you're running
Speaker:those specialists on, you're going to play better in different
Speaker:fields. That's true. That's a good point.
Speaker:I love that you took the metaphor to the next level. That's awesome.
Speaker:I think you mentioned whether it was in the virtual green room or here something
Speaker:called habanero. And I know you're not talking about just
Speaker:cooking. Right. Spicy habana. Yes, habana. I'm
Speaker:sorry. I had food on my mind, as is
Speaker:often. What is habana? Because I've
Speaker:heard whispers of it. I know we're recording this middle of
Speaker:May. There's going to be some announcements at the Red Hat Summit. Well, they'll
Speaker:probably already happen by the time this goes live, but what is
Speaker:it? So Havana is an architecture, an AI
Speaker:accelerator, and it's a specialty chips specifically
Speaker:designed for accelerating AI. And it's actually two
Speaker:chips. And the reason it's two chips is that you want, again, going back
Speaker:to what we were talking about, you want the right hardware for the AI workload.
Speaker:So you want to be able to have the right hardware to opt optimized for
Speaker:training flows and a separate set of hardware
Speaker:for cloud scale and hyperscale inferencing
Speaker:workloads. And so that's actually what Habana is. It's a two
Speaker:chip strategy. So habana gowdy which is out available.
Speaker:V two is available. V One has been out for some time. If
Speaker:you go to the Amazon cloud, you can get it today. It's also available in
Speaker:data centers, and a lot of universities have them in their high performance computing
Speaker:environments. And it's geared to doing that sort of scale,
Speaker:large data set training that you would find
Speaker:whether it be in a cloud kind of environment, a chat GPT level
Speaker:of analytic, or in the case of high performance computing.
Speaker:Whether you're doing climate modeling or flow dynamics, those kind of big
Speaker:training model sets that you want to be able to do at scale. And
Speaker:what's nice about it is that like your cloud scale, it scales with your architecture.
Speaker:So it allows you to be able to scale up your training based on
Speaker:the compute needs with an AI accelerator specifically tuned to
Speaker:that. The other chip, the Goya chip, is an inferencing
Speaker:chip. So it's again tuned for that inference. But the reason,
Speaker:again, this is for high end cloud scale hyperscale or things like high
Speaker:speed training, where you want to be able to do large amount of inference in
Speaker:as near or close to real time as possible against really
Speaker:complex kind of data flows that you're trying to do
Speaker:the analysis of. And again, looking at the right
Speaker:hardware, we wanted to make sure to not just meet what we call the sort
Speaker:of the normal scale. So the kind of things you would interact with when
Speaker:you're going to do fraud detection, but you also want to be able to handle
Speaker:really large scale inferencing because you're dealing with ingestion of multi data
Speaker:sets across multiple different domains and having to be able to do that
Speaker:inferencing in a streaming kind of mode. And that's really where the Goya chip
Speaker:shines, is an inferencing platform that can scale
Speaker:with the cloud. And that's really the Habana strategy is about giving you the
Speaker:hyperscalers and high performance computing, the equivalent of
Speaker:an AI custom chips. And that's really where Habana
Speaker:sits. And then when you look at sort of the majority of what most
Speaker:people will leverage in a cloud or on prem, what we've been
Speaker:doing there is adding new instructions to the CPU. So
Speaker:VNNI was the first really big one in AVX 512,
Speaker:which really accelerates the math that you're doing behind
Speaker:inferencing and training and give you those
Speaker:instructions. That software, whether it be Intel's OpenVINO software
Speaker:or TensorFlow or other frameworks can take advantage of
Speaker:that math to use hardware offload to accelerate the math that you're
Speaker:doing in your training and your inferencing workloads for most of your normal
Speaker:kind of AI. A lot of the AI we deal with, not the high performance
Speaker:computing style. And so you get the balance. And again, it goes back to what
Speaker:we talked about in the beginning, the right compute for the right AI. We've also
Speaker:introduced data center graphics because again, there are workloads that absolutely
Speaker:make sense for a GPU besides fun gaming. And
Speaker:that's really where you'll see GPU shine on, those kind of specialty
Speaker:workloads that take full advantage. And a lot of the deep learning object
Speaker:recognition ones work well on GPUs. They actually work well on other
Speaker:kind of platforms as well. And one of the things we're seeing in the Edge
Speaker:is a shift towards more customized approaches, whether that be using
Speaker:an FPGA as sort of a hardware platform that you can code
Speaker:in your algorithms to do inline inferencing, do feedback loop
Speaker:training. And you see this a lot of times in the image processing, video
Speaker:processing side, also in the signals processing. So whether it's five
Speaker:G and being able to do signal quality testing or signal acquisition
Speaker:and being able to do RF signal analysis, FPGAs
Speaker:actually really shine for that kind of workload. Where you want to put in your
Speaker:custom algorithm that you're going to actually test against or
Speaker:use as part of your conditioning. And then we get to the idea
Speaker:of what we call an ASIC. And that's where you know your workload, you
Speaker:know you're going to be doing this kind of inference. You can actually code that
Speaker:into a custom chip that will do just
Speaker:audio AI inferencing or
Speaker:do certain aspects of video coded. And this way you get the most
Speaker:performance in a low swap. And that's the idea here
Speaker:is you want to be able to handle everything from the pointy end of the
Speaker:spear, the Edge sensor and give it the ability to do AI as
Speaker:opposed to waiting for it to send the data to the cloud and get a
Speaker:decision. You want to be able to give it something, but it also has to
Speaker:operate at the size, weight and power that
Speaker:you'd expect from an Edge sensor. You obviously don't have a data center power
Speaker:system for your car, for your drone, or for
Speaker:your camera on the streetlight. Right. That would be a very heavy to
Speaker:fly that drone. That's okay.
Speaker:I'm curious how you kind of manage what
Speaker:I'm just going to make up words here, but like an innovation chain,
Speaker:I'm thinking about like supply chain management. And I know
Speaker:I've got experience in electronics engineering, and I
Speaker:know some of how much it takes to go into mind you my
Speaker:work was decades old, but this whole idea of getting
Speaker:ahead of the curve or at least being able to predict where the
Speaker:curve is going and how steep and when. That
Speaker:sounds like a huge challenge for figuring out what
Speaker:will be needed next. So what you're talking
Speaker:about is how does a company that's building out both the hardware and the infrastructure,
Speaker:stay ahead of, like you said, the week to week turnaround
Speaker:in the AI world. Part of that is having a diverse team
Speaker:of specialists. So the Intel Labs,
Speaker:ive to ten years out, is over:Speaker:people who full time looking at process node technology,
Speaker:security, AI data science. They're across multiple domains
Speaker:and within each domain we have specialists in different areas.
Speaker:One of the really I'll give you a great example. Before Chat GPT blew up,
Speaker:I had two different of my AI specialists, one on the
Speaker:government side and one on the performance side. Start talking to me about this thing
Speaker:called Transformer. Like, oh, there's this really cool thing that we're seeing here, it's called
Speaker:a Transformer. And I'm like, okay, that's interesting, and tell me more. And they explain
Speaker:sort of how it worked. And then fast forward, six months later,
Speaker:Chat chips BT shows up and I'm like, I know what that is because that
Speaker:has the word Transformer. I've seen this. And again, it's about giving
Speaker:your people the ability to go out and look. I think one of the
Speaker:advantages of being at intel, and it's really why I've been here so long,
Speaker:is everyone knows intel inside.
Speaker:But there's something to that. Our chips are inside the
Speaker:edge. Clients are inside the financial services, healthcare,
Speaker:manufacturing, oil and gas. They're in the government system, they're in the cloud,
Speaker:we're in the network. Which means we see workloads both current
Speaker:and coming from all those different domains. So in some
Speaker:respects we're on the cutting edge because we're seeing what people do because they come
Speaker:to us, say, hey, I've got this software, I want to optimize on your hardware.
Speaker:What does it do? Well, it does blah, blah blah blah. I'm like, okay, let's
Speaker:help you. And then eventually that becomes open AI.
Speaker:That's the kind of thing because ultimately every startup, every big company
Speaker:wants to get the most out of their software and our teams. And one of
Speaker:the things people don't realize is intel has over 19,000 software engineers
Speaker:and a large majority of those do you know, they really divide up into three
Speaker:areas sort of research and pathfinding, ecosystem
Speaker:enabling, and then software development for
Speaker:compilers, software services, software tools. That ecosystem enabling team
Speaker:is a very robust team, it's been around for a very long time. Whose job
Speaker:is to make Microsoft Windows rock on intel, make Oracle
Speaker:rock on intel, make red hat rock on intel, make open source. We have
Speaker:over:Speaker:to open source. We're actually one of the largest committers to open source
Speaker:community and a lot of what they do is build the optimized
Speaker:version of those Linux kernel libraries or to
Speaker:that AI model running on intel and give it away and open source
Speaker:it. We've created whole model zoos optimized for the variety of intel
Speaker:architecture because we know if you can run it best on intel, you will run
Speaker:it, and that consumes resources. We like that. But ultimately
Speaker:it gives us they call them bell cows, if you will.
Speaker:We're seeing those bell cows of what's coming next because they come to us and
Speaker:they say, hey, help us. And very few see us as competition because
Speaker:we're not going to go build the Chat GPT. We're not going to build a
Speaker:new operating system or a new sort of predictive maintenance
Speaker:solution. We're going to give you the architecture for you to run it
Speaker:best. And even our OEM, whether you buy from Dell or
Speaker:HP or from Lenovo, we don't care. You're buying intel hardware
Speaker:inside. And so let's help you take the best advantage of those platforms. And that's
Speaker:really been the approach from intel, is we want everyone's software
Speaker:to work. And even with the GPU vendors, they still run on a CPU
Speaker:platform. And so we want to make sure that that code runs best. So that,
Speaker:again, you're driving the overall consumption. We raise the bar for everybody. We
Speaker:raise the bar for everybody. Nice. Yeah. I
Speaker:think there's a lot to unpack there. Right. And I think one of the things
Speaker:you brought out, which is something that people don't, I don't think people have
Speaker:widely realized yet that Edge is probably going to be the next
Speaker:frontier in just
Speaker:computing. Right. Obviously the last ten years have all been about cloud. Right.
Speaker:But I think we're swifting as companies kind of take a look at the bills
Speaker:and realize that lift and shift was not a
Speaker:financially great decision. Right. Whether or not cloud is a good
Speaker:thing or not, I think it always goes back to those two
Speaker:words that every consultant and every It person always says it depends.
Speaker:Whereas previously it was last ten years was
Speaker:oh, definitely was the two words. But I think now we're realizing it depends.
Speaker:And I think one of the drivers for this are things like autonomous systems
Speaker:or drones or self driving cars, right. No matter how good
Speaker:5G is, and I can tell you I know all the dead spots
Speaker:in the DC area, but
Speaker:if you're driving along at 60 miles an hour, 100
Speaker:miles, 100 km/hour for our friends overseas,
Speaker:and like you said, is that a tree? Is that a shadow? Is that
Speaker:a person? Is that a grandma? Right. You don't want to wait on
Speaker:the latency to come back. You want the inference or the decision to
Speaker:be made on device. So you're really bumping up against the
Speaker:speed of light and you're talking nanoseconds, not
Speaker:milliseconds. Right.
Speaker:What do you see? Because you mentioned you want there to be
Speaker:sensors, but obviously these things have to be relatively low power. I guess in
Speaker:a car it doesn't matter as much, but certainly on a drone that
Speaker:What sorts of challenges does intel see in that regard in terms
Speaker:of you want the most performance, but you want the most
Speaker:energy efficiency. That seems like two
Speaker:opposing forces. You would think that way, but if you
Speaker:look at Moore's Law and you look at what's really behind that, it's about
Speaker:reducing the size. And really that means the
Speaker:power and increasing the performance, increasing the amount of
Speaker:transistors. And that's really been what's driving compute all along, is how do we get
Speaker:to lower power per density. Now, where it
Speaker:becomes interesting is in the cloud. It's a cost measure. It's about getting
Speaker:more for your dollar in a car or in a
Speaker:drone or even in a factory floor. It's about being able to
Speaker:operate closer to where the decision needs to be made
Speaker:without having to, again, to have to power it and have that immense
Speaker:cost. Or in the case of a drone, the weight of the battery pack and
Speaker:so forth. So lower swap actually enables those edge use
Speaker:cases. And again, one of the things that people realize is that Edge can mean
Speaker:different things to different people. You talk to the cloud providers and Edge is just
Speaker:a couple of racks closer out of the cloud. On
Speaker:Prem, you look at Azure Stack or Snowball or these kind of
Speaker:approaches. It's really about pushing pieces of the cloud closer to the edge through like
Speaker:the core or they called it the
Speaker:fog back in the day. You look at the edge and
Speaker:you take a look at a Tesla, it's like a driving data center.
Speaker:There's compute capabilities in there. A plane is a flying data
Speaker:center. Your drones are getting to be more
Speaker:computing. And when you move from a
Speaker:discrete mode to a logical mode, and I've seen these already, where you have a
Speaker:drone who actually has one processor but multiple containers, so actually running
Speaker:multiple functions that could be thought of as different
Speaker:applications on different nodes, but now they've all been collapsed with either virtualization
Speaker:or container. So you can have navigation being one, you can be
Speaker:doing object detection and mapping with another, and then be able to do sort
Speaker:of other kinds of sensing like temperature
Speaker:or barometer and things like that and doing analysis in
Speaker:real time. One of the best examples that we demonstrated
Speaker:at our last year's Fed summit was a set of drones out
Speaker:mapping a region. They were going about their business, but they had a policy that
Speaker:if somebody walked into a specific area of interest, let's say in front of an
Speaker:embassy or in front of Lloyd or too long, that one of the drones would
Speaker:be retasked and go over and investigate and do facial
Speaker:recognition. All the things you want to do to make sure, hey, is this person
Speaker:up to no good? And it didn't require a reprogramming
Speaker:of a drone. It didn't require a special drone that was just the investigator. It
Speaker:would basically retask itself with a new. Mission in real time
Speaker:and go investigate. And when the person left that zone, it go back to its
Speaker:day job of mapping the environment. That's just sort of the tip of
Speaker:that simple prototype to show that even a very
Speaker:small autonomous system and these were like sort of my mini drones
Speaker:here, is capable of the compute necessary to
Speaker:do multimission kind of use cases. So the edge absolutely is
Speaker:that new frontier. And it's again similar to the cloud. When you say cloud,
Speaker:everyone thinks, oh, public cloud, really? Cloud is all those architectures
Speaker:all the way down to the edge. It's the way we develop those cloud native
Speaker:apps that can flow back and forth. So from a cloud provider, it's moving
Speaker:more of their cloud infrastructure closer to the edge. And what the
Speaker:edge, folks, whether it be the actual device or sensor manufacturers
Speaker:are looking at, is bringing some of those cloud
Speaker:capabilities to their device to operate
Speaker:independently. And there's a reason for that is that, number one, latency, like you
Speaker:mentioned, Frank, but also the cost of shipping all that
Speaker:data. No one wants to ship Raw 4K video feeds to the
Speaker:cloud just to be able to tell me, is that a tree?
Speaker:You want to be able to send the results that I saw a tree
Speaker:here with the longitudinal latitude, which is a small data
Speaker:packet, and let the sensor do the AI, do the inference
Speaker:at the edge. Right. And then you have the case
Speaker:where you're talking about planes or vehicles, right?
Speaker:Like the whole time it's tracking, did the wheel fall off? Did the wheel fall
Speaker:off? Did the wheel fall off? Right, but at one point when you get to
Speaker:your destination, the wheel either fell off or it didn't. Right.
Speaker:So you collapse that entire thing
Speaker:to one integer level or really not even an
Speaker:integer. Like a bit. Right, a bit. And then if the wheel does
Speaker:fall off, I'm sure there's plenty of other stuff you can pick up too,
Speaker:but hopefully nobody gets hurt. But I mean,
Speaker:ultimately you're right. The problem with data is so much
Speaker:that there's value, but there's a certain
Speaker:amount of we've gotten to the point where
Speaker:just because we can, we've done it. Right. Yeah, sure. Bring up that
Speaker:4K. If I'm a salesperson for one of those cloud
Speaker:providers. Yeah, man, bring in all that 4K data you want,
Speaker:we'll take it all. We'll be happy to charge you for it too. Right,
Speaker:but I think as we get to the point where
Speaker:there might just be too much data, I think people organizations are going to start
Speaker:thinking like, where can we scale back on the storage? Because
Speaker:we don't really need it unless there's some kind of regulatory reason for
Speaker:it. Now, one thing I want to double click on,
Speaker:because this is a fascinating conversation, we'd love to have you back
Speaker:on the show at some point. What's the
Speaker:deal with FPGA because you mentioned
Speaker:that and this was a huge deal. So a couple of things that are
Speaker:interesting is that I first heard about Transformers at
Speaker:the Microsoft has this internal data science conference
Speaker:MLADS, and they first talked about Transformers. I went into
Speaker:the talk and ten minutes, my head went
Speaker:boom, right? I didn't quite follow it. Somebody later on in the
Speaker:day in the reception area was kind enough to explain it, how it
Speaker:works. And one of the other things that came out of that conference was talking
Speaker:about the importance of FPGAs and what they're going to be like in the future.
Speaker:Now, again, I'm a data scientist. I really don't focus on
Speaker:hardware so much until when I need to buy new
Speaker:hardware, like a new desktop or laptop.
Speaker:What are FPGAs? And I remember hearing a lot about them and then
Speaker:they kind of went dark for a while and then now they're kind of coming
Speaker:back into vogue. Can you talk to us about, one, what they are and then
Speaker:two where you see they're going? Sure. So Ed and FPGA are a field
Speaker:programmable gate array. They've been around for forever. I mean, computer
Speaker:science engineers going back, electrical engineers going back to the
Speaker:80s played with FPGA. They were very early FPGA, but
Speaker:basically they're programmable hardware. That's really the way to think about it.
Speaker:You think about a CPU or an Ace or any chip it's
Speaker:laid down with its transistors, and the flow of those transit is
Speaker:fixed. CPU can do multiple software
Speaker:flows, but the instruction flow is the instruction
Speaker:flow. What makes FPGAs interesting is that you
Speaker:can create new RTL, new layouts of flows, what
Speaker:they call netlist of those instructions going across those transistors
Speaker:each time. You can go in and customize it after. So the
Speaker:manufacturing builds you a clean slate of a bunch of think about a bunch of
Speaker:rows, and then you program them to your specific need
Speaker:at a hardware style abstraction layer. So it gives you a much
Speaker:faster capability because you're now really writing in hardware. It's a lot more
Speaker:complex of a coding. It's not like doing Python,
Speaker:but what you get is a very optimized piece of
Speaker:hardware for your specific use case. And what's nice about that
Speaker:is one of the great examples is in signals conditioning. When
Speaker:you're doing like 5G research or testing signal amplitudes and
Speaker:things like that, as you put in your algorithm actually into hardware, you go out
Speaker:and test it. It works sort of here. I need to tweak it well, instead
Speaker:of going and spinning a new piece of hardware, you just upload new code and
Speaker:you go right in. So it's a much faster time of development for doing
Speaker:those custom things. What people have found when we start looking at sort of
Speaker:AI use cases and machine learning and pattern matching
Speaker:is that FPGA really lend themselves well
Speaker:to be able to create different kinds of architectural approaches to how
Speaker:you process that data flow. If you think about a GPU
Speaker:or CPU or even an ASIC, it's a fixed data flow. It's good for the
Speaker:things it was designed for. What FPGA allows you to do is to customize
Speaker:your flows based on what the data is or based on what your algorithm are.
Speaker:And so a lot of the FPGA work they were seeing in AI is people
Speaker:coding their AI algorithms or the machine learning algorithms right into
Speaker:hardware and then deploying it. And so it allows you to be able to deploy
Speaker:your thing quicker and you get pretty good performance. It's not as
Speaker:good as say, as a custom ASIC for your algorithm. And it's not as
Speaker:scalable really as like a software abstraction on running on a
Speaker:cloud set of CPUs. But for a lot of these training and
Speaker:inferencing use cases, one of the areas where it shines is in the whole
Speaker:area of neuromorphic processing. So a whole part of the AI machine learning
Speaker:space is modeling after brain activity or how our
Speaker:brains process. It's a whole field. FPGAs are actually
Speaker:well designed for those kind of algorithms that X 86 and
Speaker:other CPU style Arctic just aren't yet.
Speaker:And that's why FPGAs really shine in those environments, because you can create
Speaker:these linear sort of permutation flows that you find in neuromorphic
Speaker:algorithms. You just code those into the path for the
Speaker:FPGA. They're really good. You'll see, FPGAs are very often used
Speaker:in cellular and RF communications that are really good at those sort of
Speaker:channelizer and signal optimization and
Speaker:be able to do those kind of algorithms that you do on RF and
Speaker:Comps, again, really good for those kind of workflows. And so why we
Speaker:see the resurgence of FPGAs, although they've never gone away, you find them
Speaker:everywhere. Open up your big screen flat screen TV, you'll find a couple of
Speaker:FPGA in there. Where they're shining is because it
Speaker:allows you to do some rapid prototyping on AI. And because we're seeing
Speaker:now FPGAs come to the cloud. So you go to Azure has an FPGA
Speaker:cloud. You can now deploy those algorithms at cloud scale,
Speaker:or you can deploy an FPGA into your edge sensor and be able
Speaker:to do that real time, sort of. Let's go try this inferencing model. Oh, we're
Speaker:going to change the inferencing model. Let's go do that one. And where this becomes
Speaker:really interesting in those low slop environments is a modern FPGA is
Speaker:reprogrammable in milliseconds, which means you can go from one
Speaker:program to another by just pushing a firmware, if you will,
Speaker:update. And now you go from a 5G communications
Speaker:system to LTE or to a six G
Speaker:without actually going and swapping out the hardware. That's wild.
Speaker:That's wild. Yeah, it's exciting times. So
Speaker:with that, the updatable part of it,
Speaker:how do you secure that? Because I can easily see that being like particularly
Speaker:you work in the in the federal space, right? Like security
Speaker:is top of mind in that work. It should be top of mind everywhere,
Speaker:but in the near term it's top of mind, at
Speaker:least in the federal spaces. FPGA
Speaker:sounds like awesome, but it also sounds like that just seems
Speaker:dangerous in a lot of ways. You can reprogram it in milliseconds.
Speaker:There's got to be some kind of security story there. Oh absolutely. And
Speaker:Fpjs have actually in many cases led as far as the kind of security
Speaker:mechanisms built into the hardware for that very reason.
Speaker:At its core, at the core level, it's the same kind of approach you do
Speaker:for verifying your firmware on your system. It's signed
Speaker:by hardware so that basically you're verifying
Speaker:your load and if you're going to do an update, you're going to verify a
Speaker:signature against a hardware rooted key so that you make sure that only
Speaker:legitimate folks can do the update and that it's only be able to be done
Speaker:by someone who's got the permission. From a cryptographic
Speaker:perspective, what we find in the current FPGA that are out in the market
Speaker:is that they've built in a whole suite of security
Speaker:capabilities. Things like Puff Provably, unclonable
Speaker:functions, which is basically a hardware root key that is
Speaker:really secure as that hardware route of trust, signing in
Speaker:cryptography functions, anti tamper functions to make sure someone can't go
Speaker:pop open the lid or put in a jumper and try to try to change
Speaker:the code. So those kind of mechanisms have been in place for a long time
Speaker:because FPGAs have been used in such critical places. We find them in
Speaker:radar stations, we find them in systems and so they've been building security
Speaker:in for a very long time. And it's part of the workflow that when you
Speaker:build your code you're going to take advantage of these implicit, let's call them IP
Speaker:blocks that do security for your RTL, for your code that you're putting
Speaker:in place. The other important thing is that the way that the code works
Speaker:is once you lay it out, once you translate your software into that
Speaker:layout, the layout is you can't just sort of go and reverse engineer
Speaker:back. And so it's really a very powerful
Speaker:mechanism as opposed to say firmware. When you're it's software.
Speaker:If you think about the BIOS update, it's software that you're loading just deeper in
Speaker:your platform and if anyone wants to go inspect, you'll find
Speaker:there's a lot of software in the hardware that you don't realize is actually
Speaker:software. The same kind of security mechanism we did there. You verify it against a
Speaker:hardware of trust, you make sure it's signed before you run it
Speaker:and then you apply cryptography to make sure that it can't be changed or it's
Speaker:integrity protected. You find those same capabilities built into the
Speaker:hardware of an FPGA and the software development tools, the
Speaker:dialogue, the cordis and so forth have the mechanisms to take advantage.
Speaker:So again, programmers don't have to be security gurus. They basically say,
Speaker:I'm going to push this, and it's auto going to take advantage of those features.
Speaker:It's good because programmers historically are very bad security
Speaker:people. I say that. It says, yeah,
Speaker:it's its own specialty. And yeah, you can't be
Speaker:good at everything these days. There's too much. So I'm going
Speaker:to echo what Frank said earlier. Steve, we got to have you back.
Speaker:I really appreciate you being here. We could talk and geek out on
Speaker:hardware stuff forever, but we want to
Speaker:pivot and go to our questions and if that's
Speaker:okay, we want to start with unless Frank, unless you had anything else you wanted
Speaker:to do before. Let me
Speaker:rephrase. No.
Speaker:In the virtual green room, you talked about some things that are going on and
Speaker:kind of operationally and
Speaker:wow, we didn't even get there. I mean, I
Speaker:think the important thing I took from this conversation is
Speaker:that one, GPUs, they are important, but
Speaker:they're not the whole story. And two,
Speaker:at the end of the day, chat
Speaker:GPT, any of these magical looking AI
Speaker:models, magical seeming, right. They're all mass,
Speaker:right? Yeah. And being beneath the math are electrons
Speaker:bouncing around inside these microscopic chips. And
Speaker:there's all sorts of things you could do to tweak and improve that, even if
Speaker:it's like a billionth of a second, right? A billionth of a second times
Speaker:a billion adds up.
Speaker:And that adds up in terms of whether you're driving a car
Speaker:or you're flying a plane or
Speaker:you're a company like AWS or Microsoft,
Speaker:where, hey, if I save one compute second per
Speaker:transaction, I do trillions of those a day. And that's real
Speaker:money. Exactly. And that's the thing that blew my mind. But yeah,
Speaker:let's switch because we could geek out for hours. Because this is very
Speaker:true. Yeah. Amazing.
Speaker:It really is. So how did you find your
Speaker:way into not so much data, but it how did you find your way into
Speaker:data? Did you find it or did
Speaker:it find you or hardware specifically? So ring. It's a really good
Speaker:question and going back to the very beginning, actually, I started
Speaker:out in the molecular biology
Speaker:bioresearch side of the camp, going all the way back. I was going to be
Speaker:a research biologist and probably still be there today,
Speaker:except for a couple of key life events early in
Speaker:the early ninety s, I was a hacker as a kid.
Speaker:I loved seeing how things fell apart and how to code and break code
Speaker:and things like that. But in the late 80s, there really wasn't a
Speaker:career other than a COBOL programmer, which
Speaker:wasn't an exciting career at the time. So I went the bio route,
Speaker:which was my, the love. And right after I graduated and was going to start
Speaker:med school, I had a year off and
Speaker:someone had some money, wanted to do a startupy thing and they knew I was
Speaker:a hacker and say, hey, why don't you help me get this thing running? And
Speaker:I'm thinking, well, med school is expensive. This would be a good way to help
Speaker:pay for it. And so I started my first company in
Speaker:95 and after three months just fell in love with everything that was
Speaker:going on. It was the exciting time to be in the internet. Got to apply
Speaker:some of my security hacker background in an interesting way
Speaker:and had some really good mentors. People like Bruce Schneier,
Speaker:the writer of Applied Cryptography sort of took Zebru Schneider.
Speaker:Zebrus Schneider was one of my mentors and took me under his wing.
Speaker:And like I say, I sucked his brain dry as best as I could. But
Speaker:really it just sort of got the opportunity to get on the ground floor
Speaker:right before Netscape went public. So really early days on
Speaker:a startup in the email encryption space and then one thing led to another and
Speaker:I just felt this was what I was going to do. And for the next
Speaker:sort of several years, I did multiple security startups throughout
Speaker:the then in:Speaker:by intel. I like to joke, I'm still trying to figure out
Speaker:how I ended up here for 18 years. But I think what intel
Speaker:has provided me and provides a lot of our folks is the ability to sort
Speaker:of innovate in an environment where a, you've got a big company
Speaker:behind you helping you do that. But one of the best
Speaker:reasons why I think intel has been fun for me, my most
Speaker:successful startup, we had 500 of Fortune Thousand companies using
Speaker:our product. The first project I worked on in intel went to 40 million
Speaker:PCs. So the impact is just
Speaker:unbelievable. Now from the data
Speaker:side again, at the end of the day, like you mentioned earlier, underneath the data,
Speaker:underneath the machine learning, underneath the AI, and even before we were talking about AI
Speaker:was machine learning and advanced pattern matching. There's electrons
Speaker:moving around it's running on hardware. And so a lot of what my
Speaker:job has been before I came to the federal team was looking for ways to
Speaker:innovate or take advantage of new use cases in software, to
Speaker:take advantage of hardware in interesting ways. And so we call that
Speaker:pathfinding. So you think about our labs or thinking about the next generation
Speaker:hardware five to ten years out, I ran the team, the security
Speaker:pathfinding team that was looking at the two to five year horizon. I
Speaker:knew this was the hardware platform that was going to be there next year. What
Speaker:would be some interesting things I could do with it to either advance security or
Speaker:increase security, that was my area domain. And so things like
Speaker:antimalware technologies, cloud security, before they knew how to spell
Speaker:cloud. We called it virtualization security first and things like that.
Speaker:Web security, that was the fluffy stuff. That was Steve's world while
Speaker:the hardware engineers are figuring out low level cryptography and hardware
Speaker:roots of trust. And we sort of worked in tandem to innovate.
Speaker:And so as things like data science started to take off, it was like,
Speaker:this is a key area both from a security and perspective. How do I secure
Speaker:that data? How do I secure the algorithms? How do I use that? I mean,
Speaker:one of the really cool things is being able to use machine learning and AI
Speaker:and apply it to the cyber problem.
Speaker:And when you start doing things like that, you immediately run to, well, we've
Speaker:got too much data flowing in. I mean, the classic example is streaming
Speaker:analytics on network at network speed. Well, how do you do
Speaker:deep packet inspection at gigabit or higher
Speaker:speeds without losing data? That's a big problem. That's where hardware can
Speaker:help save you, that you just can't do in software.
Speaker:And then when I transitioned to the federal team and took over and
Speaker:drove our federal technology practice, you really opened the door to
Speaker:all the different use cases. And one of the things I like about the federal
Speaker:government is that it's a macrocosm of all verticals. You want to
Speaker:talk finance, you've got IRS and CMS, some of the largest
Speaker:processing of financial data. You want to talk healthcare, the VA is the
Speaker:largest provider of healthcare, the largest insurer in the world. You want to talk
Speaker:logistics, DoD logistics is huge. So
Speaker:you sort of look at it, every kind of use case you'll find in government.
Speaker:So it's really a good way of looking at all the different verticals. And they
Speaker:all have unique or interesting data problems. There's some
Speaker:commonality. And one of the things I really like about the federal government is that
Speaker:you get that commonality across the divisions. They all are having trouble doing data
Speaker:ingestion. That is just fundamental. It doesn't matter if you're the federal government or
Speaker:Citibank or startup in Silicon Valley. Data ingestion is hard
Speaker:and doing it at scale and being able to then do something
Speaker:once you've got the data. And I like to use the analogy
Speaker:of an iceberg. So AI, Chat, GPU, all these are the tip of the
Speaker:iceberg. That's the cool, sexy stuff you can do, the hard work,
Speaker:the data curation, data wrangling is all the work that has to be done before
Speaker:you ever get there. And that's data ingestion, it's labeling, it's curation,
Speaker:it's data set management, it's all that stuff. And then layer in things like
Speaker:removing bias or dealing with bias and securing and integrity, protecting your
Speaker:data. Like all those things have to happen before you ever start having
Speaker:the fun math that happens towards the end of that curve.
Speaker:That's where you find that coming out. Everyone is challenged with those things, and I
Speaker:think that's where the excitement is today. No, you definitely hear in your
Speaker:voice, sorry, Andy. Yeah, definitely. No, it's okay. We refer to
Speaker:that as kind of a joke that's been going on
Speaker:for seven years now. We say, first you get the data,
Speaker:and that's 90% of the work. We know
Speaker:that and your iceberg analogy fits that, Frank.
Speaker:We need a shirt that has a picture of an iceberg against us. First you
Speaker:get the data under the I like that. I'm definitely going to do that.
Speaker:We launched a magazine, actually, yesterday as we record this, and
Speaker:the cartoon segment is called First You Get the Data. And it
Speaker:kind of like cringy things that you'll hear about data, and one
Speaker:of them was like, yeah, first we get the data. My
Speaker:favorite was how
Speaker:to prep and clean the data. And they were like, oh, no, our data is
Speaker:already in the normalized database. We don't need to clean it or prep it. It's
Speaker:already ready. Like, oh, boy.
Speaker:You need you need a picture of someone throwing data into a washing machine.
Speaker:That's a good shirt. We could do that. Yeah,
Speaker:no, that's cool. And I think you bring up something that I think,
Speaker:folks, we don't know our exact age demographic. We have a rough
Speaker:idea, but if there's anyone, let's say, under the age of 30,
Speaker:right in the car with the parents
Speaker:or they're listening, it's hard to imagine the time because we're about the same age.
Speaker:I think you're a little older.
Speaker:If this was not seen as a good career path, like, coding was not the
Speaker:whole learn to code movement is a modern
Speaker:phenomenon. I started my college career to be a
Speaker:chemical engineer because
Speaker:I had to convince my parents that software engineering was a
Speaker:viable career path. And my mom, God rest her
Speaker:souls, was like, I don't want my baby to be one of those weird
Speaker:people in the basement. Right?
Speaker:And then my dad, God rest his soul, was like because when
Speaker:they came to visit me, I had a Sunday print out of the New York
Speaker:Times, which of course had the job section, which was
Speaker:at one point like a book. Right. And look at all these
Speaker:jobs for computer programming. This is a thing. And my
Speaker:dad looked through it, and he saw all the starting salaries, and it was like
Speaker:seven or eight pages of near six figure
Speaker:salaries in the early 90s, which was a lot of money back then, right?
Speaker:Yeah. Like, looking through, like, on Wall Street stuff. And
Speaker:he's like, I'm sold. And it's like
Speaker:and my mom was like, no.
Speaker:That is literally, like, my experience as well. When I told my parents that I
Speaker:was going to not go to the research biology route and do the MD
Speaker:PhD, I was going to go into the security thing. They wanted to do an
Speaker:intervention. They thought something was wrong.
Speaker:About two years. In 96, after I'd done the start, for about
Speaker:a year and a half, there was an article in the New York Times, Paul
Speaker:Cotcher, had done the timing attacks against RSA, and it
Speaker:was front page news. And when you read down the first blurb, it says, 22
Speaker:year old bio student from Stanford cracks RSA encryption. So
Speaker:I cut that out and faxed it to my parents because they have an email
Speaker:yet and said, look, another bio student doing security. It can
Speaker:happen. Right? That's funny. One of
Speaker:the best web developers I ever worked with, his degree was in biology
Speaker:as well. And I think there's something to be said about understanding natural
Speaker:systems, and I think there's some pattern matching gifts
Speaker:that go along with that. I know my friend was that way as well. And
Speaker:Frank, when your mom said she didn't want you to be one of those
Speaker:weirdos in the basement that flew through my head, but I
Speaker:maintained discipline was too late.
Speaker:And I could say the same for me as well. Too late.
Speaker:In her defense, my mom stayed with us in a house that my
Speaker:wife also works in technology too.
Speaker:She had an entire suite in our basement of our
Speaker:house, which was not
Speaker:windows, walk out yard, everything.
Speaker:It worked out well. Sometimes
Speaker:your parents my mother encouraged it without realizing. She allowed me to buy
Speaker:the haze modem and connect it to our phone. And I did get
Speaker:disciplined when I had that $1,000 phone bill from dialing into BBS's overnight.
Speaker:But they should have seen it coming. Yeah,
Speaker:my mom freaked out when I wanted a modem. She's like, no, absolutely
Speaker:not. And my dad was like, yeah, you probably should stay out of trouble.
Speaker:It's easy to stay out of trouble. Then. I think I was lucky
Speaker:that my parents didn't know what a modem was, so I didn't know what
Speaker:they were getting me. Right. This
Speaker:is awesome. But I want to jump to question too sure. And ask, what's your
Speaker:favorite part of your current gig? Favorite part of my good
Speaker:gig? I think honestly, I thrive on being challenged,
Speaker:on trying to solve big hairy problems. I think that's what has always
Speaker:excited me is present to me with something that isn't being done well today and
Speaker:trying to figure out how to do it. And I think one of the things
Speaker:that I love about my job is meeting with government customers who
Speaker:have big hairy problems and looking at a variety
Speaker:of technologies. And I think what makes my role somewhat unique at intel, so we
Speaker:have like a CTO for memory and a CTO for various
Speaker:architectures is my role is pan intel so I can look
Speaker:across FPGAs server parts,
Speaker:networking, and sort of see that collective of where do the bits can
Speaker:come together to solve big hairy problems. And that's really, I find
Speaker:keeps me very excited is that every day I could be talking about an
Speaker:IoT problem today with an edge sensor, and they're
Speaker:talking about petabytes of data being processed in the cloud tomorrow.
Speaker:It's looking across the technology domains and again, coming
Speaker:from a background of cybersecurity, which again looking at various different domains from a security
Speaker:perspective, but then adding to that AI, high performance computing,
Speaker:it's a technology playground, right? And the federal
Speaker:government, when I first joined Microsoft,
Speaker:I was in the public sector, part of doing basically
Speaker:technology developer evangelism for the federal government. And a lot
Speaker:of my commercial sector colleagues were like, wow, it must be really boring
Speaker:there. I might be like, you know,
Speaker:we see things that you don't see
Speaker:and what it is, is like there's interesting work going on, but the folks doing
Speaker:interesting work for many reasons do not want
Speaker:a lot of attention. Indeed. So you see
Speaker:some things that like, wow, see, I hadn't really
Speaker:thought of that type moments. Well, decades
Speaker:ago I spent just a little bit of time in a really odd shaped
Speaker:building up that way. Just a touch of
Speaker:time. So I can have five it did. So
Speaker:I can go yes and amen everything
Speaker:you both have shared about. So now we have three. Complete
Speaker:the sentences. When I'm not working, I enjoy blank.
Speaker:Spending time with my kids. I have two small children and they keep me young
Speaker:and full of fun and keep
Speaker:me trying to stay in shape to keep up with them.
Speaker:Very cool. Both Frank and I have
Speaker:children as well. Frank has the younger kids. I'm
Speaker:probably the old guy in this conversation now that I think about it.
Speaker:But number two, complete this sentences. I think the
Speaker:coolest thing in technology today is blank.
Speaker:One thing that is a tough question,
Speaker:I would have to say. So the two things that I think are really cool.
Speaker:Number one, again, not the chat GPT, but
Speaker:what the future will do with that capability is one
Speaker:area. And then again, because I'm a security geek at heart, post quantum
Speaker:crypto is going to be fun. Figuring out the next generation of algorithms
Speaker:and how robust they'll be once quantum computing comes online.
Speaker:I think that's an exciting area of math that is going to
Speaker:spurn a lot of mathematic. Academia is
Speaker:excited because it's a renewed interest in that space
Speaker:and the algorithms are really interesting. The lattice
Speaker:space structures are fun area of math to look at. Nice.
Speaker:Interesting. The third and
Speaker:final, complete the sentence. I look forward
Speaker:to the day when I can use technology to
Speaker:blank. So I'm going to give you two answers. I look
Speaker:forward to the day when I can draw something on a
Speaker:whiteboard and it turns into code. That's one thing I'm looking forward
Speaker:to. Oh, nice. I can totally and that's not that
Speaker:far off. It's not, I think a little bit of sort of the
Speaker:image to text, image to code. I think
Speaker:building box, you have to be able to read my horrible handwriting. That's going to
Speaker:take an AI in its own right. But I would love a day. When I
Speaker:can start draw my design like I like to do I'm a whiteboard kind of
Speaker:guy, and then have it create a prototype. I think that's one thing
Speaker:I'm looking forward to. And then I think
Speaker:the other thing is I'm looking forward to the day when
Speaker:augmented reality becomes reality, where it's not just
Speaker:a cool toy, but where we actually see it integrated
Speaker:into our daily lives. And I'm not talking to glasses and all that. I'm talking
Speaker:about having the digital world and our physical world actually start to make
Speaker:sense instead of it being a throwaway toy and I think we're seeing
Speaker:pockets of it, but I think that the future is going to hold a lot
Speaker:more of that immersive experience that we only see in movies today. I think
Speaker:those are the two things from a technology perspective, I'm looking forward to.
Speaker:Although I have to say, if I can get that, the code from the whiteboard
Speaker:is going to make me a lot more efficient. No, that's true. And
Speaker:it's funny because things that once seemed impossible
Speaker:are now possible and even mundane. So I remember
Speaker:when I was a kid, there was a story, there was like a story we
Speaker:read about a kid who wrote a built a homework machine, right? And this was
Speaker:like first or second grade and a bunch of us kids were like, yeah, how
Speaker:do we do this? We got to make one of those. Now you look at
Speaker:Chat GPT, obviously we abandoned the effort
Speaker:because it just wasn't possible at the time. But you look at how kids
Speaker:are using Chat GPU today, that machine exists
Speaker:not in the way or the shape or form we could have imagined, but
Speaker:it's definitely here. So to have that whiteboard to code
Speaker:thing, it's totally
Speaker:within sight. Whether it'll be within reach, only time will
Speaker:tell. Probably a few weeks. If there are VCs out there listening, this is an
Speaker:idea to invest in, for sure. I would love to see
Speaker:especially for you, Steve. I'd love to see whiteboard
Speaker:two FPGA code. That'd be even
Speaker:better. We're just combining ideas. There you go.
Speaker:I know that would make some of my engineers happy. There you go. Really
Speaker:cool stuff. So we ask all of our guests to
Speaker:share something different about yourself. But we caution
Speaker:everyone to be fair that remember, we're trying to keep
Speaker:our clean rating at itunes, so please keep that in
Speaker:mind. So something different about me.
Speaker:Well, I guess one thing we've already talked about that I have a bio
Speaker:background, but the other thing I like to do is I play
Speaker:tournament poker. I am an avid
Speaker:poker player when not in COVID Lockdowns and things like
Speaker:d in the World Series back in:Speaker:Really? That's something I like to do as a
Speaker:past. It's a different use of my skills, of sort of social
Speaker:engineering, if you will. And I like the tournament play
Speaker:because it's sort of a long game. Right? Well, I have a
Speaker:stack of money and I'd love to learn more about
Speaker:is that the joke? All you need is you're always
Speaker:welcome to my table. I'm lying about the
Speaker:money. My wife is
Speaker:actually a pretty good poker player, and when she was pregnant with our second,
Speaker:she's short and she would carry a stool with her because she would have
Speaker:to set up and her feet didn't reach the floor. And I think I gave
Speaker:her like $100 in seed money and said, go knock yourself out.
Speaker:And she came back like she was spending money. I think she turned that into
Speaker:something like two grand before she had to quit and go have
Speaker:Emma. I
Speaker:would love to see you, because I don't think she's
Speaker:your level by any stretch, but she did okay. We should have
Speaker:a data driven poker tournament. We should. There we
Speaker:go. That's an idea, Frank. The other time we had an
Speaker:idea of somebody on the live stream said we should do like an ATV
Speaker:race or something because we always go off track. That's kind of the joke.
Speaker:Very true. But no, that's cool. Audible is a sponsor
Speaker:of data driven can you recommend a good book? Ideally
Speaker:audiobook if you do, audiobooks if not. Sure. Absolutely. Actually, I just
Speaker:finished one that I think would be perfect sort of summation of this. So
Speaker:Chips is an excellent book.
Speaker:You think it's talking about today, but it gives you the history of how we
Speaker:got here. And even one of the things I thought was really interesting is
Speaker:some of the decisions that were made early on from the
Speaker:policy, the government policies that we've seen and how it
Speaker:affects where we are today. Fascinating reading. So, yes, absolutely.
Speaker:Chips wars, it's available on Audible because I literally just finished reading
Speaker:listening to it on Audible. So that would definitely be a book I would
Speaker:recommend. Cool. I watched a show called Halt and Catch
Speaker:Fire a few years ago when it was at, and it was similar. It was
Speaker:in that vein of when things were developing and trying basically
Speaker:the laptop development story. And of course it was
Speaker:fiction, but I know enough about it to
Speaker:know there were some true parallels in there. So this
Speaker:would be very appealing to me. I'm going to get it. I hadn't heard of
Speaker:it. Thank you for recommending and our listeners can go to I didn't test it today, Frank.
Speaker:Some days it's moody, but if you go there, it should
Speaker:redirect you to Audible. And if you decide you get a free book on us.
Speaker:And if you decide later to sign up, then it buys
Speaker:Frank a cup of coffee. So when
Speaker:you do that, we get a little bit out of it. It's a great way
Speaker:to support the show and we really appreciate it.
Speaker:Awesome. And where can people find out more about you and
Speaker:what the federal team at intel is doing. So find out more about
Speaker:me, go to my LinkedIn page. That's S-O-R-R-I-N on
Speaker:LinkedIn. And then to find out more of what intel is doing in public sector,
Speaker:just go to public sector and it will redirect you to our
Speaker:Government Solutions page. It covers everything from AI
Speaker:data science to Cybersecurity to Edge, with lots of white
Speaker:papers. Use cases podcasts with folks like myself and
Speaker:others that are recording content on how intel is helping our
Speaker:ecosystem. So definitely come check us out. Awesome.
Speaker:And with that, I'll let Bailey finish the show. Now that was some
Speaker:show. Is it me or are the shows getting better? It could be my
Speaker:bias that leads me to say that, but I figured I would ask to get
Speaker:more input. After all, what's an AI without good
Speaker:input and a feedback loop? Speaking of feedback, have you
Speaker:checked out Data Driven magazine yet? We are looking for writers