In this episode, Frank and Andy reflect on the year that 2022. It was quite the year for all of us here at data driven media, both personally and professionally. You’ll hear Frank and Andy go down a few rabbit holes around AI creativity and it takes them about an hour until the first Expanse…
In this livestream, Frank and Andy recap reinvent, the big AWS conference in Las Vegas. They both take a look at the AWS ecosystem from their heavily Azure centric perspective. However, in the end, data science is based on maths. And Maths is the ultimate platform agnostic platform. Wow! Say that ten times fast.
Frank is out at the big AWS show in Las Vegas. Apparently, having some seventy thousand attendees in one place wreaks havoc on Wifi and Cellular signals. As such, the stream drops out right after Frank talks to the guy at the AWS Green Grass booth demo. Such a pity. Now here’s Frank live from…
In this recent livestream, Frank explains his excitement about speaking at the upcoming AWS re-invent. The audio gets a little choppy. I tried to clean it up, but there’s only so much I can do. I think I need more GPUs.
Andy is currently in Seattle attending the PASS Summit and I will be headed to AWS re:Invent this year!