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Exploring Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science

*News* Quantum Innovations Coming Faster and Faster

Stories Mentioned: 11 Top Experts: Quantum Top Trends 2023 And 2030 China Seeks a Quantum Leap in Computing Quantinuum Is On A Roll – 17 Significant Quantum Computing Achievements In 12 Months–17-significant-quantum-computing-achievements-in-12-months/?sh=48295d7b301e Quantum computer can simulate infinitely many chaotic particles

Ava Naeini on Pulse, Healing, and Avoiding Burnout

In this episode of Data Driven, Andy and Frank interview Ava Naeini, Founder and Data Architect of Pulse Operations, speaks to the intersections of technology and wellbeing. Pulse is an insight tool designed to monitor and report on the health of distributed systems, minimizes human engineer involvement in an effort to maximize employee efficiency and…